Figure 5.
Multisensory enhancement. Top Row: Performance levels after visual stimulus intensities were adjusted to mitigate/eliminate preference in the choice paradigm (same as Figure 3, middle row) (N = 200 trials/animal). Middle Row: Coupling the auditory and visual stimuli in the previously blind (right) hemifield biased preference toward that cross‐modal stimulus (F1: 46.7% to 53.1%, p = .035; F2: 56.1% to 87.5%, p = 7.4e−8; F3: 47.5% to 78.3% and p = 9.5e−7). Bottom Row: A shift in preference (from top row) to the cross‐modal stimulus was also produced in the normal (left) hemifield (F1: 51.9% to 64%, p = .013; F2: 42.4% to 46.7%, p = .041 and F3: 50.5% to 69%, p = .0014). Note that the preference was no greater than in the previously blind hemifield (p = .59)