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. 2019 Nov 25;20(23):5924. doi: 10.3390/ijms20235924

Table 1.

Expression of proNGF in primary thyroid cancers and metastases, quantified by h-score of immunohistochemical staining.

ProNGF Quantification (h-score)
n Primary Tumour p-Value n Nodal Metastasis p-Value
Overall 56 57 (42–84) 56 94 (50–147) 0.002 1
Age 0.96 0.32
<55 years 34 58 (43–89) 34 95 (57–122)
≥55 years 22 55 (32–77) 22 86 (46–123)
Sex 0.20 0.85
Male 21 71 (46–100) 21 96 (46–148)
Female 35 54 (40–71) 35 90 (51–146)
Histopathology 0.36 0.11
Papillary 53 58 (43–89) 53 96 (51–148)
 Classical 27 54 (43–92) 27 106 (64–149)
 Follicular-variant 26 60 (46–89) 26 70 (49–130)
Follicular 2 42 (23–60) 2 45 (30–60)
Anaplastic 1 32 1 67
Tumour size 0.02
Primary <4 cm 48 62 (45–96)
Primary ≥4 cm 8 38 (25–55)
Total lymph node <3 cm 44 105 (57–149) 0.02
Total lymph node ≥3 cm 12 59 (44–64)
Metastasis within node <2 mm 10 148 (94–175) 0.04
Metastasis within node ≥2 mm 46 82 (49–123)
Vascular invasion 0.32
Absent 35 56 (43–100)
Present 21 58 (43–68)
Extra-thyroidal extension 0.43
Absent 19 56 (45–106)
Present 37 58 (40–75)
AJCC TNM 8 Stage 0.005
I and II 46 63 (45–100)
III and IV 10 38 (23–54)
Nodal metastases (location) 0.004
Central neck only (N1a) 33 109 (64–152)
Central + lateral neck (N1b) 23 60 (40–96)
Timing of metastases 0.11
At time of primary tumour 49 99 (56–148)
>6 months from primary 7 57 (46–96)

The h-score is a digital quantification of immunohistochemistry intensity, with values ranging between 0 and 300, where higher values represent greater protein expression. Data are median (IQR), compared using the Mann-Whitney test. 1 Comparison between Primary and Metastases. Other comparisons are within column.