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. 2019 Dec 23;27:114. doi: 10.1186/s13049-019-0683-6

Table 1.

Analysis of the knowledge test in Study 1 (N = 172)

Question Sum correct - Pre Sum correct - Post ΔPre-Post χ2 p r Correct - Pre (%) Idiff Idiscr
6. How is basic life support correctly performed? 53 172 119 170,86 < 0,001 0,71 30,3 0,32 0,43
10. What is an AED (automatic external defibrillator)? 70 152 82 85,56 < 0,001 0,51 40 0,43 0,72
9. What do you do if you are unsure whether a person is in cardiac arrest or not? 71 128 57 36,74 < 0,001 0,33 40,6 0,43 0,32
8. How do you perform artificial breaths in an unconscious person? 110 154 44 33,50 < 0,001 0,31 62,9 0,65 0,55
3. A person suddenly loses consciousness and collapses. What do you do? 101 145 44 26,63 < 0,001 0,28 57,7 0,58 0,66
7. On the sketch of the torso below mark with a cross the correct site for chest compressions during basic life support; 72 115 43 21,16 < 0,001 0,25 41,1 0,43 0,43
2. Who can help in a case of cardiac arrest? 143 168 25 20,79 < 0,001 0,24 81,7 0,82 0,31
4. How do you check if a person is breathing normally? 145 164 19 9,41 0,002 0,17 82,9 0,84 0,31
1. How do you recognize a person in cardiac arrest? 113 132 19 4,06 0,044 0,11 64,6 0,67 0,34
5. What kind of breathing is NOT a sign of life? 172 173 1 2,00 0,157 0,08 98,3 0,99 0,02

Note: df = 1. Pre – pre-test; Post – post-test; ΔPre-Post - differences between pre- and post-test; χ2 – chi square; r - effect size; Idiff - difficulty index; Idiscr – discriminating index