Illustration of the middle longitudinal fascicle (MdLF) and its neighboring cortico-cortical long association fiber tracts. Specifically, the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), superior longitudinal fascicle/arcuate fascicule (SLF/AF), cingulum bundle (CB), uncinate fasciculus (UF), superior longitudinal fasciculus (SFOF) and the extreme capsule/inferior longitudinal fasciculus (EmC/IFOF) complex are shown in the left hemisphere of a representative subject that participated in the present study as a healthy control. As shown in this figure, whereas the MdLF is clearly a distinctly different fiber tract from ILF and SLF/AF, there may be also co-sharing of origins and terminations of their fibers. The latter notion has been demonstrated in previous studies of our group (see e.g., Figure 8 in Makris et al., 2016).