Table 2.
Studies Using HRV as a Tool for Diagnosis in Diabetics
Author and Year | Sample | Analysis | Parameters and Methods | Sensibility (%) | Specificity (%) | Conclusion |
Takasae et al. (1992)27 | Diabetes: N = 25; DMT2; with CAN (13) 58 ± 11 years; without CAN (12) 49 ± 16 years |
ECG 24 hours |
Mean of SD of iRR (SDANN) | 72 | 92 | SDANN < 30 ms produced a better sensitivity and specificity for diabetics with CAN |
Ziegler et al. (2001)28 |
Diabetes: N = 108; DMT1 (89); DMT2 (19), CAN (3 stages); 45.3 ± 1.4 years Control: N = 37, 41.1 ± 2.0 years |
Finapress 10 minutes |
LF, HF | – | – | HF is more sensitive to detect early autonomic dysfunction to a cutoff value of 0.892 |
Balcioglu et al. (2007)29 | Diabetes: N = 90; DMT2; with CAN (35) 56 ± 9 years; CAN borderline (55) 56 ± 9 years |
ECG 24 hours |
SDNN, SDANN, RMSSD, triangular index, TFC of start and TFC tilt | 97 | 71 | All indices were reduced in individuals with CAN. TFC of tilt is better sensitivity and specificity for detection of CAN at a cutoff value of 3.32. |
Khandoker et al. (2009)30 | Diabetes: N = 17; DMT2; with CAN (9) 52 ± 12 years; without CAN (8) 56 ± 14 years |
ECG 20 minutes |
SDNN, RMSSD, LFun, HFun, LF/HF, SD1, SD2, SD1/SD2 and SampEn | 100 | 75 | SampEn and SD1/SD2 produced better sensitivity and specificity to distinguish between diabetics with and without CAN |
Acharya et al. (2011)31 |
Diabetes: N = 15; 58.5 ± 6.42 years, CAN unknown Control: N = 15; 50 ± 8.8 years |
ECG 60 minutes |
Correlation dimension, Poincaré geometry, Recurrence plot/AdaBoost and SVM | 87.5 | 84.6 | The AdaBoost classifier obtained better accuracy to diagnose DM. The index DII was proposed based on the results to discriminate diabetic neuropathy. |
Seyd et al. (2012)32 |
Diabetes: N = 70; DMT2; NAC unknown Control: N = 65 Age varied from 40 to 72 years for both groups |
ECG 60 minutes |
RMSSD, NN50, TINN, triangular index, SDNN, PNN50, LF, HF, VLF/artificial neural network | 89.23 | 96.92 | Training of artificial neural network using as base indices of HRV has good sensitivity and specificity to distinguish DM and healthy individuals |
Acharya et al. (2013)33 |
Diabetes: N = 15; 58.5 ± 6.42 years, CAN unknown Control: N = 15; 50 ± 8.8 years |
ECG 60 minutes |
Recurrence plot, ApEn, DFA, Lyapunov exponet/AdaBoost, DT, FSC, k‐NN, PNN and SVM |
92.52 | 88.73 | The AdaBoost classifier obtained better performance than other classifiers to diagnose DM |
Swapna et al. (2013)34 |
Diabetes: N = 15; 58.5 ± 6.42 years, CAN unknown Control: N = 15; 50 ± 8.8 years |
ECG 60 minutes |
Higher order spectra features/GMM, SVM, NBC, k‐NN, Fuzzy classifier, DT | 85.7 | 95.2 | The GMM classifier showed better accuracy than other classifiers to diagnose DM |
N = sample; DMT2 = type 2 diabetes mellitus; DMT1 = type 1 diabetes mellitus; CAN = cardiac autonomic neuropathy; ECG = electrocardiogram; SDANN = standard deviation of mean of normal RR intervals every 5 minutes for a period of time, expressed in ms; LF = low‐frequency component; HF = high‐frequency component; SDNN = standard deviation of all normal RR intervals recorded at an interval of time expressed in ms; RMSSD = square root of the mean of the square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals, at an interval of time expressed in ms; TFC = heart rate turbulence; SD1 = standard deviation of the instantaneous variability beat to beat; SD2 = standard deviation of the long‐term variability; SampEn = Sample Entropy; NN50 = adjacent RR intervals with difference of duration of 50 ms; TINN = triangular interpolation of RR intervals; PNN50 = percentage of adjacent RR intervals with difference of duration greater than 50 ms; VLF = very low‐frequency components; SVM = support vector machine; ApEn = approximate entropy; DFA = detrended fluctuation analysis; DT = decision tree; FSC = fuzzy Sugeno classifier; k‐NN = k‐nearest neighbor algorithm; PNN = probabilistic neural network; GMM = Gaussian Mixture Model; NBC = NaïveBayes classifier; DII = diabetes integrated index.