Strain | β-Galactosidase activity (Miller units)a |
pPflhD::lacZ | pPfliA::lacZ | |
Wild type | 2,672 ± 50 | 964 ± 160 |
ycgR yhjH mutant | 1,684 ± 223 | 507 ± 87 |
ycgR yhiH rssAB mutant | 3,536 ± 381 | 1,118 ± 198 |
Expression of β-galactosidase from reporter plasmids PflhD::lacZ (pVS182) and PfliA::lacZ (pVS177) was measured in the indicated genetic backgrounds using the Miller assay. Data are averages of experiments carried out in triplicate, with the standard deviation of the mean shown. A paired-sample t test was used to calculate P values of <0.05 when wild-type β-galactosidase activity was compared with the activity of either of the two mutant strains.