Table 4.
Classification of Ischemia Induced Brugada Phenocopies
Categories | First Author (Publish Year) | Descriptor | Age/Gender | EKG type | Structural Heart Disease | Note | Outcome |
Right coronary | Eggebrecht (2009) 91 | Isolated right ventricular infarction | 55/F | Type‐1 | Left ventricular hypertrophy with reduced RV function | Resuscitated from ventricular fibrillation | Not reported |
Nakazato (2000) 92 | Inferior myocardial infarction | 58/M | Type‐1 | Nonreported | Stenosis in the proximal segment of the right coronary artery | Not reported | |
Left coronary artery | Itoh (1999) 93 | Vasospastic angina | 68/M | Type‐1 | Nonreported | Intercostals neuralgia, orthostatic hypotension, ST‐segment exaggeration after procainamide administration | No syncope, dizziness, chest pain recurred during a follow‐up period of 13 months |
Tomcsanyi (2003) 94 | Acute myocardial infarction | 59/F | Type‐1 & 2 | Nonreported | Raised cardiac marker | Not reported |
Descriptor = the primary condition that is believed to cause Brugada ECG pattern; M = male; F = female; Note = any medication taken or clinical condition that the patient presented; Outcome = resolution of Brugada ECG and patient mortality and morbidity, if available.