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. 2012 Aug 13;17(4):299–314. doi: 10.1111/j.1542-474X.2012.00525.x

Table 5.

Classification of Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Induced Brugada Phenocopies

Categories First Author (Publish Year) Descriptor of Condition Age/Gender EKG type Structural Heart Disease Note Outcome
Acute myocarditis Bramos (2009) 95 Cardiac amyloidosis 72/F Type‐1 Concentric hypertrophy Narrow complex tachycardia was present Normalization of ECG after 1 day
Kim (2008) 96 Hematologic disease leading to acute myocarditis 42/M 46/M Type‐1 Type‐1 &2 Nonreported Increase WBC count Patient 1, ECG normalized after 2 months Patient 2 eventually died
Nayyar (2009) 97 Myocarditis 56/F Type‐1 Biventricular severe global systolic dysfunctions Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning Died on third day of admission from acute renal shutdown.
Chronic myocarditis Brito (2010) 98 Chagas disease cardiomyopathy 56/F Type‐1 & 2 Nonreported Syncope, palpitation, apical left ventricular aneurysm Not reported
Acute pericarditis Ozeke (2006) 99 Pericarditis 28/M 36/M Type‐2 Nonreported Both patients were afebrile, no prescription drug noted. ECG normalized after treatment ibuprofen
Myotonic dystrophy Rudnik‐Schoneborn (2010) 100 Myotonic dystrophy 49/M Type‐2 Nonreported Metformin, myotonic dystrophy confirmed by genetic testing Not reported

Descriptor = the primary condition that is believed to cause Brugada ECG pattern; M = male; F = female; Note = any medication taken or clinical condition that the patient presented; Outcome = resolution of Brugada ECG and patient mortality and morbidity, if available.