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. 2003 Mar 20;8(1):37–46. doi: 10.1046/j.1542-474X.2003.08107.x

Table 2.

Results of Signal‐Averaged Electrocardiography Stratified for Gender and Age

Mean SD 2.5th 5th Percentiles
Median 95th 97.5th
Time‐Domain Analysis (all controls)
 QRS duration (ms) 101 10 87 88 100 119 120
 RMS 40 (μV) 32 23 6 9 28 64 96
 AS 40 (ms) 34 9 19 21 33 49 54
Subgroup of Men (n = 76)
 QRS duration (ms) 103a 9 87 88 102 119 122
 RMS 40 (μV) 32 23 8 9 28 63 106
 LAS 40 (ms) 34 8 20 21 33 49 54
Subgroup of Women (n = 34)
 QRS duration (ms) 97a 9 78 86 94 119 119
 RMS 40 (μV) 34 23 3 5 28 88 96
 LAS 40 (ms) 33 10 12 19 32 54 57
Subgroup of Controls ≤45 Years (n = 56)
 QRS duration (ms) 101 10 86 87 99 119 120
 RMS 40 (μV) 38b 27 9 11 34 96 106
 LAS 40 (ms) 32b 8 19 21 31 49 54
Subgroup of Controls ≥45 Years (n = 54)
 QRS duration (ms) 102 9 89 90 101 118 119
 RMS 40 (μV) 26b 17 6 8 22 60 62
 LAS 40 (ms) 36b 9 20 22 35 50 54
Spectral Turbulence Analysis (all controls)c
 LSCR 65 5 53 56 66 72 75
 ISCM 94 1 92 92 94 96 96
 ISCSD 84 21 49 54 81 118 137
 Spectral Entropy 10 2 6 7 10 13 14

a P < 0.05 for women versus men. b P < 0.05 for persons aged < 45 years versus ≥ 45 years. c p = n.s for differences between age and gender. ISCM = interslice correlation mean; ISCSD = interslice correlation standard deviation; LAS 40 = the terminal low amplitude (<40 mV) signal duration; LSCR = low slice correlations ratio; RMS 40 = root‐mean‐square voltage of the terminal 40 ms of the QRS complex.