Fig. 8 |. Gal-1 is upregulated in recurrent wild-type GBM.
a, Before-and-after plot of LGALS1 expression in paired primary and recurrent GBM patient samples from the Nam cohort (RNA-seq data; n = 9 patients per group). Individual dots represent log2 expression of LGALS1 transcript levels. Boxes indicate the group median and interquartile range, and the whiskers extend to the most extreme observed value. P value calculated using two-sided paired t-test. b, Representative images of paired human primary and recurrent GBM patient samples (Nam cohort) stained for Gal-1 using multiplex immunohistochemistry. Scale bar, 100 μm. c, LGALS1 expression in paired primary versus recurrent GBM human patient samples (UCSF cohort; n = 15 patients). Mean ± s.e.m.; P value calculated using one-tailed paired t-test.