Figure 4.
CBC antagonizes CP55,940 and THC response in CB2 cells. Representative traces of the effect of CBC (10‐μM) on (a) CP55,940 (100 nM) on fluorescence in AtT20‐CB1 cells loaded with a membrane potential‐sensitive dye. (b) THC (10‐μM) hyperpolarization in AtT20‐CB1. (c) CP55,940 (300 nM) hyperpolarization in AtT20‐CB2 cells. After 2‐min baseline reading, cells were pretreated with vehicle or 10‐μM CBC for 5 min, followed by the addition CP55,940. (d) Summary data of the effect of 10‐μM CBC on 300‐nM CP55,940 in AtT20‐CB2 cells. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM after normalization to 1‐μM CP55,940 hyperpolarization (n = 5. *P < .05, significantly different as indicated; Unpaired Student's t‐test. Note: truncated axes)