SPRY4‐IT1 promotes cell stemness characteristics of MCF‐7 and T47D cells. A, Expression of stemness markers (OCT4, C‐MYC, Nanog and SOX2) was detected by qRT‐PCR in MCF‐7 and T47D cells transfected with SPRY4‐IT1. B, Left: Expression of stemness markers (Nanog, SOX2, OCT4 and C‐MYC) was detected in SPRY4‐IT1‐overexpressing MCF‐7 and T47D cells by Western blotting. Right: Densitometric analysis of protein expression. C, MCF‐7 and T47D cells transfected with SPRY4‐IT1 were seeded in 6 cm Petri dishes. After 14 d, the number of colonies was counted. D, Sphere formation assays showed the mammosphere‐forming ability of MCF‐7 and T47D cells transfected with SPRY4‐IT1. Original magnification, ×40. Scale bars, 100 μm. E, Flow cytometry indicated the CD44+/CD24 − percentage in MCF‐7 and T47D cells transfected with SPRY4‐IT1. Data are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments performed in triplicate. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001, ****P < .0001