Comparison of candidate biomarkers in patients with and without venous thromboembolism (VTE). (a) Comparing peak values, VTEpos and VTEneg patients have significantly higher levels of anti-plasminogen (anti-Plg) than healthy controls (HCs). (b) VTEpos patients (n = 12) had significantly higher peak levels of D-dimer than VTEneg patients (n = 29). (c) There was no difference in peak high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in VTEpos (n = 11) and VTEneg patients (n = 29, P = 0.1). (d) VTEpos (n = 12) and VTEneg patients (n = 28) had significantly higher peak levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6) than HCs (n = 20). (e) Peak microparticle tissue factor activity (MPTFa) was significantly higher among VTEpos patients (n = 12) than VTEneg patients (n = 21) or HCs (n = 25), whereas peak MPTFa values were similar in VTEneg patients when compared with HCs (P = 0.88). The dashed line represents the threshold for positivity, as determined by the mean of HC values + 2 SDs or values used for reporting clinical laboratory results. neg, negative; pos, positive.