Subject characteristics (N = 155).
Variable | N (%) or Mean [Range] |
Age | 32.4 [20–45] |
Racea | |
White | 147 (94.8) |
Other | 3 (1.9) |
Relationship statusb | |
Married | 126 (81.3) |
Separated or divorced | 4 (2.6) |
Single and never married | 12 (7.7) |
Smoking historyc | |
No | 126 (81.3) |
Yes | 15 (9.7) |
Prepregnancy BMId | 26.0 [17.4–47.8] |
Weight gain during pregnancy (lbs)d | 32.7 [4–63] |
Weight gain categorye | |
Less | 23 (14.8) |
Recommended | 36 (23.2) |
More | 64 (41.3) |
Parityf | 1.8 [1–5] |
Delivery modeb | |
Vaginal | 101 (65.2) |
Elective Cesarean section | 22 (14.2) |
Non-elective Cesarean section | 19 (12.3) |
Gestational diabetesg | |
No | 125 (80.6) |
Yes | 8 (5.2) |
Maternal prenatal antibioticsh | |
No | 96 (61.9) |
Yes | 23 (14.8) |
Maternal antibiotics by 4-months postpartumi | |
No | 113 (72.9) |
Yes | 17 (11.0) |
Peripartum antibioticsj | |
No | 69 (44.5) |
Yes | 71 (45.8) |
Infant feeding behaviork | |
Exclusively breastfed | 109 (70.3) |
Combination fed | 22 (14.2) |
Gestational age at delivery | 39.2 [30.0–42.4] |
Infant sexl | |
Female | 73 (47.1) |
Male | 74 (47.7) |
Postpartum collection week | 6.6 [3.7–12.0] |
Footnotes indicate the number of subjects with missing values: a5, b13, c14, d17, e32, f3, g22, h36, i25, j15, k24, l8.