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. 2019 Dec 20;7:391. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00391

Table 1.

Description of studies.

Study Population setting/N Condition of interest/age group Outcome measures Intervention/time Supervision/
Contact method
Design/Control group (CG) Measurement time Follow-up
Rojas et al. (33)
Public primary care centers/
N = 434
Depressive symptomatology/18-65 years old Primary outcome: depressive symptoms (PHQ-9)
Secondary outcomes: health-related quality of life; service use; patient satisfaction; psychotherapy outcomes (OQ 45.2)
16-h training program for primary care teams (detection, diagnosis, and treatment of depression) Research team/web-based platform and call center Two-arm, single-blind
CG: usual care (n = 217)
Baseline and follow-up 3, 6, and 12 months after baseline assessment
Carrasco (31) Private and public outpatient health centers patients and therapists/
Patients N = 15; Therapists N = 5
Mild or moderate depression/female adolescents (12–18 years old) Acceptability scale
Interviews with therapists
Online video game Research team/web-based platform (patients); in person (therapists) Acceptability study
CG: No control group
Post-intervention No
Espinosa et al. (32) Private outpatient clinic/
N = 35
Major depression (discharged patients)/ 18-65 years old Acceptability and satisfaction questionnaire
Semi-structured interviews
Web-based program for supporting and monitoring of depressive patients after treatment; 9 months Research team/web-based platform and e-mail Feasibility and acceptability study
CG: No control group
Post-intervention No
Gaete et al. (30)
Public primary schools/
N = 4485
Bullying victims and perpetrators/5th and 6th grades (10-12 years old) Primary outcomes: bullying and victimization (Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, OBVQ)
Secondary outcomes: psychosocial adjustment, psychological sense of school membership, academic performance
Ten 2-h lessons delivered by trained teachers, posters encouraging to support victims, discussion groups, online game; 1 year
Partial KiVa group: without online game (n = 1495)
Research team/in person Three-arm, single-blind (blinded only to the outcome evaluator), cluster RCT
CG: usual management for bullying (n = 1495)
Baseline and post-intervention No
Rojas et al. (28) Community hospitals located in rural areas/
N = 250
Major depressive disorder/18-70 years old Primary outcome: depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI-I)
Secondary outcomes: health-related quality of life; treatment adherence to antidepressants; service use; patient satisfaction
Remote supervision by a psychiatrist through an electronic platform and/or telephone; 6 months Research team/online and phone call Nonrandomized, open-label (blinded outcome assessor) trial, two-arm
CG: usual care (n = 139)
Baseline and follow-up 3 and 6 months after assignment
Martínez et al. (29) Public primary care centers/
N = 143
Major depressive disorder/13-19 years old Primary outcome: depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI)
Secondary outcomes: health-related quality of life; patient adherence and satisfaction; clinician satisfaction
Remote collaborative depression care (primary health care teams received remote supervision by a psychiatrist through a shared electronic health record and phone patient monitoring); 3 months Research team/online and phone call Cluster randomized, assessor-blind trial, two-arm
CG: enhanced usual care (n = 78)
Baseline and follow-up 12 weeks
Mascayano et al. (34) [protocol] Public high-schools/
N = 428
Suicidal ideation/14-18 years old Primary outcome: Suicidality (Okasha Questionnaire)
Secondary outcomes: impulsivity; self-esteem; stigma-discrimination; depressive symptoms; anxiety; utility and functionality
Project Clan (web-based platform and mobile app to cultivate a community to promote protective psychological and social factors); 3 months Psychologist as online counselor/web platform Two-arm, cluster RCT; participative approach (peer-adolescent)
CG: adolescents without intervention (n = 214)
Baseline, post-intervention, and follow-up 2 month
Martínez et al. (under review) Public and semi-private high-schools from Chile and Colombia/
N = 199
Moderate depressive symptomatology/14-17 years old Primary outcome: depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questioner, PHQ-9)
Secondary outcomes: automatic thoughts, social problem-solving, health-related quality of life
Stepped-care program according to PHQ-9 score: psychoeducational information, symptom monitoring with personalized automatic feedback, group forum and chat, reference to face-to-face attention if required; 12 weeks, with subsequent bi-monthly reinforcement sessions Research team/email and chat Feasibility and acceptability study
CG: No control group
Baseline, post-intervention and follow-up 6 months after intervention
Irarrázaval et al. (under review) Public primary health care center Children and adolescents living in substitute care facilities Primary outcome: case resolutions (e.g. number of cases with positive resolution)
Secondary outcomes: usefulness and acceptability
90-minute online mental health supervision (diagnostic assistance, management guidance, assessment in referral to specialized services); twice a month for 6 months Psychiatrist/
videoconference and online shared clinical record system
Quasi-experimental design and acceptability study
CG: No control group
Pre-post test No