Fig. 1.
Images of a patient with wtTTR cardiac amyloidosis and low flow-low grade, pseudo-severe aortic valve stenosis. LVEF was 51%. a: Transthoracic echocardiography, parasternal long axis view. Septum and inferior wall are 20 mm thick at end-diastole. b: Bull’s eye image of the left ventricular longitudinal strain. Typical apical sparing. c: Pyrophosphate isotope scan, with significant take up of the tracer in the heart: Perugini score 3. d-g: PW and CW Doppler images of the left ventricular outflow tract at rest and at low dose dobutamine stress test. D: Resting PW Doppler, e: Resting CW Doppler. Resting calculated AVA: 0.54 cm2/BSA. f: PW Doppler at dobutamine test. g: CW Doppler at dobutamine test. Significant elevation in SV and AVA at dobutamine test. Calculated AVA at dobutamine test: 0.76 cm2/BSA