Figure 2. pH-dependent conformational landscape of c-Src.
(a) FES as a function of the pseudo torsion ζ(Ala403) and distance R between Lys295:NZ and Glu310:CD at different simulation pH. ζ(Ala403) is defined using the CA atoms of Val402, Ala403, Asp404, and Phe405. The free energy is calculated using -kTlnP(ζ, R), where P is probability density, k is Boltzmann constant, and T is simulation temperature (300 K). Horizontal and vertical lines are plotted at 120° and 4.5 Å to define DOCO, DOCI, DICO, and DICI states. The starting structure is indicated by a cross. (b) Representative snapshots representing the FES minima. Lys295, Glu310, Asp404 and Phe405 are shown.