Figure 2.
Protein structure quality improvements obtained by PDB‐REDO. (a) Percentage of files for which the PDB‐REDO entry showed “better” characteristics in green, PDB better in red, and equally good in yellow. (b) This shows how often the PDB‐REDO entry was better/worse than the PDB entry for 4 to 7 of the categories used in (a). These analyses were run on all entries available in August 2019. We manually checked many of the 1,195 cases for which all seven categories showed worse statistics for the PDB‐REDO entry and found many examples of structures solved at extremely low resolution (like 6.0 A or lower). We also observed that the distribution of cases in which all model quality indicators deteriorated was skewed toward being more recently made PDB‐REDO entries. This was (at least partially) traced back to bugs in third‐party programs, which PDB‐REDO did not intercept correctly. These bugs are being fixed, and the affected PDB‐REDO entries will be replaced