(a) In the photovoltaic (PV) PRIMA system, a visual scene is captured with a head-mounted camera, processed with a mobile computer, and relayed to a patient’s eye in intense bursts of near-IR light. The images are projected via the natural optics of the eye onto a subretinal PV array that takes the place of the photoreceptor layer in the retina. (Adapted from G. A. Goetz, D. V. Palanker, Rep. Prog. Phys.
79, 096701, 2016.) (b) A single 1 mm module of the PV array consisting of about 250 pixels, 55 μm across, arranged in a hexagonal pattern. The inset shows a close-up of a single pixel, composed of two photodiodes and two electrodes. Larger or mulitple modules can be placed to cover a larger visual field.