(A) Electron micrographs of BAT from mice kept at 6°C. Arrows: LacZ crystals. Scale bar: 2 μm. (B–D) Quantification of the mitochondria size, number, and lipid droplet size. n = 7 LacZ+ cells for B and C, n = 9 LacZ+ cells for D; n = 10 LacZ– cells for B and C, n = 12 LacZ– cells for D. (E and F) YFP (red), UCP1 (green), and DAPI (blue) immunofluorescence staining of BAT from AdipoChaser-YFP mice treated with dox-containing chow diet as indicated. Cells with yellow color are double positive with YFP and UCP1. Scale bars: 50 μm. All data represent mean ± SD of biologically independent samples; **P < 0.01. Statistical significance was assessed using a 2-tailed Student’s t test (B–D). All images are representative of 3 independent experiments.