Figure 6. Brown adipocytes were born as adiponectin high expressors, and heterogeneity establishes after birth.
(A) Female mice carrying only Adn-rtTA and Rosa26-loxP-stop-loxP-LacZ were bred with AdipoChaser-LacZ male mice. When these female mice were pregnant, they were exposed to dox-containing chow diet during E3–E10 (I), E7–E14 (II), E9–E16 (III), or E18– P4(IV), and kept on regular chow diet thereafter. Offspring of the female mice were genotyped, and AdipoChaser-LacZ mice of both sexual phenotypes were used for LacZ staining when they were 4 weeks or 27 weeks old. (B–D) Representative X-gal staining of BAT from 4-week-old AdipoChaser-LacZ mice that were on dox diet for the indicated number of days during development. (E) Representative X-gal staining of BAT from 27-week-old AdipoChaser-LacZ mice that were on dox diet during E18–P4. Scale bars: 100 μm (B–E). (F) Female mice carrying only Adn-rtTA and Rosa26-loxP-stop-loxP-LacZ were bred with AdipoChaser-LacZ male mice. When the female mice were pregnant, they were exposed to dox-containing chow diet during E7–P2 (V), P3–P10 (VI), or P7–P14 (VII), and kept on regular chow diet thereafter. Offspring of the female mice were genotyped, and male AdipoChaser-LacZ mice were used for LacZ staining when they were 8 weeks old. (G) Representative X-gal staining of BAT from the AdipoChaser-LacZ mice that were on dox diet for the indicated number of days during development. Scale bar: 50 μm. All images are representative of 3 independent experiments.