a, Flow cytometry analysis using NKG2D– Fc to determine
percentages of NKG2DL− (red) and NKG2DL+ (blue) AML
cells in 177 cases of AML (Supplementary Table 1). b–m,
NKG2DL− and NKG2DL+ subpopulations of AML cells
are sorted from the same patients, and analysed side-by-side using equal cell
numbers. b, Representative examples of the gating strategy.
c, Representative examples of forward and sideward scatter
plots. d, Representative examples of
May–Grünwald– Giemsa staining. e,
f, Quantification of cell-to-nucleus size ratio
(e) (n = 50 cells quantified for each
subpopulation, n = 5 cases of AML; boxes represent median and
25th–75th percentiles, whiskers are minimum to maximum) and in vitro
colony formation (f) (means of technical triplicates,
n = 38 cases of AML). g–i,
Long-term engraftment in NSG mice. Flow cytometry of mouse bone marrow (BM)
(g; n = 18 cases of AML), and peripheral blood
(PB) and organs (h; n = 10 cases of AML). Each dot
represents one mouse. i, Representative bone marrow histopathology
images. Left, haematoxylin and eosin (H&E); right, anti-CD33, 630×
magnification, n = 5 cases of AML, n = 3 mice
per group). j, Kaplan–Meier survival analyses. Transplanted
mice per case of AML for NKG2DL− cells: 5 for no. 1, 6, 7, 8,
12 and 110; 4 for no. 34; 3 for no. 76, 111, 119, 133 and 168; 2 for no. 72.
Transplanted mice per case of AML for NKG2DL+ cells: 7 for no. 76; 6
for no. 110; 5 for no. 1, 6, 7, 8 and 12; 3 for no. 72, 111, 133 and 168; 4 for
no. 34 and 119. k, l, Quantification of
NKG2DL− and NKG2DL+ AML cells from engrafted
mice (post-transplantation) compared to corresponding patient-derived samples
(pre-transplantation). Representative plots (k) and summarized
results (l) (no. 1, 7 and 8, n = 3; no. 6,
n = 4 mice per subpopulation). m, Percentage
of CFSE-labelled human CD33+ AML cells that home to the bone marrow
(each dot represents 1 mouse, n = 3 mice per subpopulation,
n = 3 cases of AML). n, o, Mice
engrafted with AML cells were treated with cytarabine (1 mg subcutaneously
daily, for 2 to 4 days), and percentages of NKG2DL− and
NKG2DL+ AML cells analysed in the mouse bone marrow before and
after treatment. n, Exemplary results. o,
n = 8 cases of AML. Connected dots depict percentages of
NKG2DL− (left) and NKG2DL+ (right) AML cells
before and after treatment in one mouse. p, Correlation of surface
expression of NKG2DLs and overall survival in patients with AML (≤65
years old with ≥ 80 NKG2DL+ (n = 10) versus
≥ 80% NKG2DL− cells (n = 32)).
q–s, LSC, 17-gene stemness signatures and
leukaemia-specific genetic aberrations in NKG2DL− versus
NKG2DL+ cells. q, Gene-expression array and GSEA
analyses (no. 1, 6, 7, 8 and 12). r, Quantitative PCR with reverse
transcription (qRT–PCR). s, Targeted next-generation
sequencing. e–h, m,
Mann–Whitney U test. j, p,
log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test. o, Wilcoxon test.
q, Nominal P value and normalized enrichment score
(NES). Except in o, statistical tests were two-sided. Centre values
in f–h and l–m
represent mean, error bars represent s.d.