Figure 9.
Tumors developed after trastuzumab intervention in mice injected with different breast cells (from left to right, derived from SK-BR-3-TS, SK-BR-3-TR, con siHOTAIR-SK-BR-3-TR and siHOTAIR-SK-BR-3-TR cells) and expression of EMT and HER2 pathway-related proteins in the tumors (IHC, x 200). (A) tumor morphology (n = 6), (B) average tumor volume, (C) immunohistochemical analysis. a and c: Snail−; b: Snail+; d and f: Ki67−; e: Ki67+; g and i: E-cadherin−; h: E-cadherin+; j and l: TGF-β−; k: TGF-β+; m and o: PTEN−; n: PTEN+. *P < 0.05 vs control.