Table 2.
Participants’ Perceived Quality and Usefulness of the Workshop
Statement | Mean* | SD |
Quality of the course content overall | 4.46 | .67 |
Quality of the PowerPoint slides | 4.35 | .65 |
Quality of the speakers’ presentation styles | 4.53 | .67 |
I accomplished the workshop objectives | 4.0 | .81 |
The workshop was relevant to my job | 3.95 | .91 |
I will be able to use the skills taught at the workshop | 4.19 | .79 |
It increased my ability to train others | 4.04 | .88 |
The materials provided will be useful when I train others | 4.15 | .93 |
Likert scales used: Quality scale: 1=Poor; 5 = Excellent Perception scale: 1 = Strongly disagree; 5 = Strongly agree