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. 2019 Dec 28;13:75. doi: 10.1186/s13033-019-0330-7

Table 2.

Quantitative Items with average scores less than 50% (●) or 67% (○) of the optimal scorea indicating potential barriers

Domain/item Client Provider Non-MH staff Director
Mental health care decisions are made by others in the family
Service accessibility for most people in the community
Service accessibility for the poorest people in the community
Service accessibility for women who need them
Service accessibility for men who need them
There are groups in the community that are unable to access the servicesb
Services are a priority for the government
Services are acceptable to the community
Your job negatively affects your family life
Difficulty attending weekly treatment sessions for 8–12 weeks
Sufficient access to computer/internet equipment
Sufficient access to private space to meet with clients
Enough counselors to implement step-by-step psychotherapy
Enough counselor time to implement step-by-step psychotherapy
Sufficient budget to implement step-by-step psychotherapy
Enough other necessary resources (e.g.: support staff, administrative time, transportation money, etc.)
Feasibility of integrating step-by-step psychotherapy into primary health centers
Positive organizational structure (not included in client interviews)
Feeling overworked
Satisfaction with salary
Enough learning opportunities available
Clinic promotes professional growth
Positive working environment
Regularly paid on time

aMost items were on a response scale of 0-3 (“not at all” to “a lot”)

bBinary 0/1 (“no”/”yes”) item