Figure 2.
Has2 cko mutants exhibit reduced HA content in the craniofacial mesenchyme. (A-D) Histochemistry using biotinylated HABP to examine the HA content on serial coronal sections of E13.5 wild type (A and B) and Has2 cko (C and D) embryonic heads. (E-H) Histochemistry using biotinylated HABP to examine the HA content on serial coronal sections of early E14.5 wild type (E and F) and Has2 cko (G and H) embryonic heads. (I and J) Magnified view of the HA content in the maxillary (I) and mandibular (J) mesenchyme of an early E14.5 wild type embryo. (K and L) Magnified view of the HA content in the maxillary (K) and mandibular (L) mesenchyme of an early E14.5 Has2 cko embryo. md, mandible; mc, Meckel’s cartilage; mx, maxilla; pb, palatine bone; ps, palatal shelf; t, tongue. Scale bars, 100μm.