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. 2019 Dec 29;10:52. doi: 10.1186/s13100-019-0192-1

Table 1.

Statistics for the different mappers with mouse chromosome 1 simulation data

Algorithm Library Mode Mapping percentage True Positive rate Memory in gbytes Running Time in minutes Output size in Mbytes
bowtie PE unique 91.87823 99.97913 0.92 3.00 583.36
bowtie SE unique 92.05224 99.92287 0.69 1.33 311.38
bowtie2 PE unique 94.57886 99.93802 1.28 38.00 572.58
bowtie2 SE unique 92.08282 99.84845 1.18 32.67 294.64
Bwa aln PE unique 94.62602 99.88782 2.66 15.67 553.86
Bwa aln SE unique 96.60879 95.82612 1.85 3.00 310.30
Bwa mem PE unique 94.54763 99.95728 8.77 19.33 563.50
Bwa mem SE unique 92.08548 99.89624 8.40 4.67 299.76
novoalign PE unique 95.55760 99.61473 7.62 226.33 609.08
novoalign SE unique 92.08982 99.92307 7.61 31.67 315.96
STAR PE unique 95.37882 99.80753 16.67 2.00 553.24
STAR SE unique 92.23340 99.73004 16.18 2.33 285.06
bowtie PE random 99.95300 93.67212 0.93 3.00 596.75
bowtie SE random 99.99001 93.04126 0.69 2.33 317.67
bowtie2 PE random 99.99991 95.89737 1.28 35.67 607.86
bowtie2 SE random 99.98093 92.97406 1.18 25.67 324.26
Bwa aln PE random 99.99998 95.94218 2.66 17.67 604.39
Bwa aln SE random 99.99801 93.01531 1.85 4.00 322.33
Bwa mem PE random 99.99998 95.94068 9.42 18.33 612.39
Bwa mem SE random 99.99998 93.01096 7.96 6.33 329.82
novoalign PE random 99.99998 95.84899 7.62 272.00 616.78
novoalign SE random 99.99989 93.03697 7.61 30.67 322.72
STAR PE random 99.94380 95.93094 16.67 5.00 583.02
STAR SE random 99.99024 93.01921 16.26 2.00 314.19
bowtie PE multi 99.95300 92.89719 0.98 18.33 7289.52
bowtie SE multi 99.99001 93.01711 0.71 9.67 2747.64
bowtie2 PE multi 99.99998 76.80653 11.53 28658.67 228148.51
bowtie2 SE multi 99.99998 70.81391 8.74 8205.33 161697.48
novoalign PE multi 99.99998 95.85903 7.62 307.67 2627.41
novoalign SE multi 99.99989 93.03718 7.61 99.00 3176.37
STAR PE multi 99.94380 95.93265 23.95 7.00 2575.59
STAR SE multi 99.99024 93.02143 26.64 4.00 2831.57

Values correspond to the average values of three independent simulated libraries with a 10X coverage. SE and PE refer to single end and paired end, respectively. Post-mapping filtering were applied for Bowtie2, Bwa mem and aln algorithms in order to extract uniquely-mapped reads