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. 2019 Dec 24;10(6):e02524-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02524-19


Summary of ciliate single-cell transcriptomes included in the present work, focusing on diverse species from ten classes of ciliatesa

Focal clade Class No. of genera No. of species WTA Species
Karyorelictea Karyorelictea 7 11 14 Cryptopharynx sp., Geleia acuta, Geleia sinica, Geleia sp., Kentrophoros sp., Loxodes sp. 1, Loxodes sp. 2, Loxodes striatus, Remanella sp., Trachelocercidae sp. 1, Trachelocercidae sp. 2
Heterotrichea Heterotrichea 5 6 8 Anigsteinia sp., Blepharisma americanum, Climacostomum sp., Spirostomum ambiguum, Spirostomum minus, Stentor roeselii
Extensive fragmenters Armophorea 2 2 2 Brachonella spiralis, Metopus sp.
Phyllopharyngea 1 1 2 Chilodonella uncinata
Non-extensive fragmenters Colpodea 1 1 2 Bursaria truncatella
Litostomatea 4 4 6 Didinium nasutum, Rimaleptus mucronatus, Litonotus sp., Spathidium sp.
Nassophorea 1 1 2 Zosterodasys sp.
Oligohymenophorea 3 3 3 Frontonia sp., Lembadion sp., Vorticella sp.
Plagiopylea 2 2 2 Parasonderia sp., Sonderia sp.
Prostomatea 2 2 2 Prorodon ovum, Nolandia orientalis

WTA, whole transcriptome amplification (for further details, see Table S1 in the supplemental material). Although limited evidence of fragmentation in somatic genome has been reported in Litostomatea (51), we have assigned this class to the non-extensive fragmenters while awaiting further data.