Neural ensembles in amygdala, OFC, and ACC encode uncued contexts, stimulus identity, and expected reinforcement. (A) Decoding performance for context and CS identity in amygdala, OFC, and ACC (250-ms sliding window, 50-ms steps). Blue, OFC; purple, ACC; green, amygdala. Shaded areas, 95% confidence intervals (bootstrap). Vertical dashed lines, CS onset and earliest possible US onset. (B) Decoding performance for reinforcement expectation plotted vs. time relative to image onset. (C) Timing of onset of CS identity (blue) and reinforcement expectation (black) signals in OFC, ACC, and amygdala (50-ms sliding window, 5-ms steps for 500-ms window shown in A and B by gray shading). Vertical dashed lines (and labels) indicate the first time bin where decoding performance is significantly above chance level and remains there for 10 time bins. Shaded areas, 95% confidence intervals around chance (shuffle). Adapted from ref. 76, with permission from Elsevier.