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. 2019 Dec 15;4(1):e000398. doi: 10.1136/bmjophth-2019-000398

Table 1.

Study, dosing regimen, number of injections and change in ETDRS letters

Study Regimen Drug Baseline BCVA (ETDRS Letter) # Injections (1 year) Change in ETDRS Letter (1 year)
ANCHOR q4 Ranibizumab 53.7 11.2 11.3
MARINA q4 Ranibizumab 47.1 12.3 7.2
VIEW 1 q4 Aflibercept 55.2 12.3 10.9
VIEW 1 q8 Aflibercept 55.7 7.5 7.9
VIEW 1 q4 Ranibizumab 54 12.3 8.1
VIEW 2 q4 Aflibercept 52.8 12.3 7.6
VIEW 2 q8 Aflibercept 51.6 7.5 8.9
VIEW 2 q4 Ranibizumab 53.8 12.3 9.4
PRONTO PRN Ranibizumab 56.2 5.3 9.6
SUSTAIN PRN Ranibizumab 56.1 5.6 3.6
HARBOR q4 Ranibizumab 54.2 11.3 10.1
HARBOR PRN Ranibizumab 54.5 7.7 8.2
CATT q4 Bevacizumab 60.2 11.9 8
CATT PRN Bevacizumab 60.4 7.7 5.9
CATT PRN Ranibizumab 61.5 6.9 6.8
CATT q4 Ranibizumab 60.1 11.7 8.5
IVAN q4 Bevacizumab 60 12 6.8
IVAN PRN Mixed 62.9 7 5.5
PIER q12 Ranibizumab 53.7 6 −0.2
EXCITE q12 Ranibizumab 57.5 5.5 3.8
HAWK q12/q8 Brolucizumab (3 mg)† 60.6 6.7* 6.1
HAWK q12/q8 Brolucizumab (6 mg) 60.6 6.6* 6.6
HAWK q8 Aflibercept 60.6 8 6.8
HARRIER q12/q8 Brolucizumab (6 mg) 61.2 6.7* 6.9
HARRIER q8 Aflibercept 61.2 8 7.6
LUCAS T&E Ranibizumab 61.6 8 8.2
LUCAS T&E Bevacizumab 59.6 8.9 7.9
TREX-AMD q4 Ranibizumab 60.3 13 9.2
TREX-AMD T&E Ranibizumab 59.9 10.1 10.5
TREND T&E Ranibizumab 59.5 8.7 6.2
TREND q4 Ranibizumab 60.6 11.1 8.1
CEDAR q8 Abicipar 56 8 6.7
CEDAR q12 Abicipar 56 6 5.6
CEDAR q4 Ranibizumab 56 13 8.5
SEQUOIA q8 Abicipar 57.2 8 8.3
SEQUOIA q12 Abicipar 56.4 6 7.3
SEQUOIA q4 Ranibizumab 57.1 13 8.3

*Extrapolated based on the study design given variable dosing in single study arm with weighted average based on minimum number of injections received (6) and maximum average injections received (7.5). Bolded studies are level 1 FDA registration and National Eye Institute trials which are included in the analysis.

†Brolucizumab 3 mg dose is the triangle data point in figure 1.

ANCHOR, Anti-VEGF Antibody for the Treatment of Predominantly Classic CHORoidal Neovascularization in AMD; BCVA, best corrected visual acuity; CATT, Comparison of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatments Trials; ETDRS, early treatment of diabetic retinopathy; EXCITE, Efficacy and Safety of Ranibizumab in subjects with Subfoveal and CNV secondary to AMD; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; LUCAS, Lucentis Compared to Avastin Study ; MARINA, Minimally classic/occult trial of the Anti-VEGF antibody Ranibizumab In the treatment of Neovascular AMD; PRN, pro re nata; PrONTO, Prospective Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Imaging of Patients with Neovascular AMD Treated with intra-Ocular Ranibizumab; q4, every 4 weeks; q8, every 8 weeks; q12, every 12 weeks; SUSTAIN, Study of Ranibizumab in Patients With Subfoveal Choroidal Neovascularization Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration; T&E, treat and extend; TREX-AMD, Treat and Extend Protocol in Patients with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration; VIEW, The VEGF Trap Eye: Investigation of Efficacy and Safety in Wet AMD study.