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. 2019 Dec 30;14(12):e0226939. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226939

Table 2. Study characteristics for included studies.

Fatigability Gait
Study N–older adults Protocol Outcomes Gait Conditions Gait Outcomes Fatigue-related changes (effect sizes)
Helbostad et al. [47] 22—Fatigue Group (FG) 22—Control Group (CG) Sit-to-stand ↓ time and vertical displacement of movement the sit-to-stand Overground level walking (LW) AP, ML and V. Trunk acc. and inter-stride trunk acc var;. SL, SW, and Sp; SL-var and SW-var. FG vs. CG: ↑ SW (ES: 1.51), ML trunk acc (ES: 1.27), SL Var (ES: 2.61) and ↓ V. (ES: 2.06) and AP (ES: 0.80) inter-stride Trunk acc var
Granacher et al. [27] 14 Isokinetic ankle extension ↓ in ~50% of maximal torque Perturbation (decelerating) on treadmill walking Functional reflex activity (FRA) and latency of m. Tibialis Anterior (TA), Latency in TA, EMG activity of the m. Peroneus, Soleus and Vastus Medialis, Coactivity and maximal angular velocity. ↓ FRA in TA (ES: 0.56), ↑ coactivity (ES: 0.58) and maximal angular velocity (ES: 0.64).
Granacher et al. [44] 16 Isokinetic knee extension ↓ in ~50% of maximal torque LW in single-(ST) and dual-task (DT) SdL, Gait Sp, DT cost in SdL and gait Sp and the Standard deviation of the SdL in ST and DT conditions DT: ↑ Gait Sp (ES: 0.55); SdL (ES: 0.45) and ↓ SD of SdL (ES: 095).
Hatton et al. [26] 30 Sit-to-stand ↓ in 9.5% of the peak of force on knee extension Obstructed walking (OW) with a secondary visual task Std, Sp of obstacle crossing, Trail and lead limb vertical and horizontal distance to the obstacle, and V. loading rate. ↑ V loading rate of the lead limb (ES: 0.27).
Barbieri et al. [25] 20 –(60–70 years—G60) 20 –(over 70 years—G70) Sit-to-stand ↓ in ~13% of the peak of force ↑ RPE LW and OW SdL, SdD, Sp, and SW (LW and OW). SL, Sd, Sp, Trail (T) and Lead (L) vertical distance to the obstacle (VO). LW and OW: ↑ SdL / SL (ES: 0.35 / 0.04), SW (ES: 0.36 / 0.19), Sp (ES: 0.65 and 0.31), ↓ SdD/Sd (ES: 0.43 and 0.45). OW: ↑ TVO (ES: 0.1)
Nagano et al. [23] 11 Endurance (treadmill walking) ↑ ~35% in heart rate Treadmill walking SL (normalized by limb length), DsT (%) and SW and Minimum Foot Clearance ↑ SL (ES: 0.63), DsT (ES: 0.12), Var SW (ES: n/p) ↓ Minimum Foot Clearance (ES: 0.7)
Toebes et al. [45] 10 Unilateral squat exercise until task failure. ↓ 17.3% Knee extension strength Unperturbed and perturbed (push the trunk) treadmill walking 3-D LyE of the trunk, trunk vel, and var of trunk vel, time to return to unperturbed gait pattern on stance and swing phase. Deviation of trunk kinematic after perturbation. ↓ Time to return to the unperturbed gait pattern on swing phase (ES: 0.67) and deviation after perturbation (ES: 1.8)
Arvir et al. [46] 17 Unilateral hip abductor ↓ Hip position sense and ↑ RPE Treadmill walking SdD means and standard deviations; ML trunk vel; Harmonic Ratio (HR) of ML and AP; Local Divergent Exponents of ML and AP, acceleration and position. ↑ SdD Var (n/p) and ↓ HR of ML (ES: 0.49).
Hamacher et al. [43] 18 Endurance (cycle ergometer) ↑ RPE Treadmill walking Local dynamic Stability (LDS) of the walking (LyE) of 3D trunk linear acc. ↓ LDS (ES: 0.73)
Morrison et al. [21] 15 –(60–70 years—G60) 15 –(over 70 years—G70) Endurance (incremental incline treadmill walking) ↑ RPE; ↓ Strength G70: ↓ Reaction time. LW Gait SP, SdL, SdD, and CAD. G70: ↑ Gait SP, SdL, SdD and CAD
Behrens et al. [32] 16 Mental demanding (90min) vs. and control task. ↓ 10% Motivation; ↑ 100% Fatigue state LW in ST and DT Mean and Coeficicient of variation (CoV) of Gait Sp, SdL, StT, DsT and SwT in ST and DT condition ↑ CoV of Sp (ES: 0.66), SdL (ES: 0.67), StT (ES: 0.59), DsT (ES: 0.59) and SwT (ES: 0.41)

SL: Step Length; SdL: Stride Length; SW: Step Width; SdW: Stride Width; SD: Step Duration; SdD: Stride duration Sp: Speed; StT: Stance Time; SwT: Swing Time; DsT: Double support Time; CAD: Cadence; LW: Overground level walking; OW: Obstacle walking; acc: acceleration; vel: velocity, RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion; var: Variability; CoV: Coefficient of variation; ML: Medial-lateral; AP: Anteroposterior; V.: Vertical, FRA: Functional Reflex Activity; DT: Dual-Task; ST: Single-Task; RW: Regular Walking; OW: Obstacle walking; LDS: Local Dynamic Stability.