Short- or long-term IL-15 exposure negatively regulates curdlan-induced IL-23 production by DCs (A) After 5 days of culture in with IL-4/GM-CSF or IL-4/GM-CSF/IL-15, equal number of DCs were matured with peptidoglycan, curdlan for 24 hours with or without IL-15 and supernatants were used IL-23 ELISA (long term IL-15 exposure) (B) After five days of culture in with IL-4/GM-CSF, equal number of DCs were matured with peptidoglycan, curdlan for 24 hours with or without IL-15 and supernatants were used IL-23 ELISA (short term IL-15 exposure) (C) DCs exposed to IL-15 for long term were used for RNA extraction and real-time qPCR for p19 (IL23A), p35 (IL12A), and p40 (IL12B) (D) DCs exposed to IL-15 during maturation (short term) were used for RNA extraction and real-time qPCR for p19 (IL23A), p35 (IL12A), and p40 (IL12B). The experiment was run in triplicate wells; the cells were from a single donor. The experiment was repeated with PBMCs from more than three different donors. ∗p<0.05, ns: not significant.