Prestudy visit (exam #0)—routine care appointment |
Clinical eye examination suggests a viral aetiology
AC paracentesis is performed to establish a viral aetiology
Half of fluid will be used for in-house directed PCR for HSV, VZV and CMV
At least 50 μL of fluid will be preserved and used for quantitative CMV PCR to be conducted at a single US laboratory in eligible participants
Laboratory screening orders (CBC, chemistry panel, pregnancy test, HIV status)
Patients will be prescribed topical corticosteroid (prednisolone acetate 1%) to be used one drop in affected eye four times per day (this is typical standard of care)
Patients requiring management of elevated IOP will be prescribed IOP-lowering medication according to treating ophthalmologist’s discretion and best medical judgement
Exam #1 (day 1 of study (7 days after exam #0)) |
Review of results of in-house CMV PCR and laboratory results
Consent, enrolment, randomisation to treatment arm if participants meet eligibility criteria
Treatment initiation
Clinical eye examination (in the following order, VA, slit lamp examination of anterior segment, IOP)
Endothelial cell morphology and density using specular microscopy or confocal microscopy
Exam #2 (day 7 of study) |
Clinical eye examination (in the following order, VA, slit lamp examination of anterior segment, IOP)
AC paracentesis #2
Laboratory monitoring orders (CBC, Cr, BUN)
Exam #3 (day 28 of study) |
Clinical eye examination (in the following order, VA, slit lamp examination of anterior segment, IOP)
Endothelial cell density using specular microscopy or confocal microscopy
Laboratory monitoring orders (CBC, Cr, BUN)