Table 1.
List of variables along with their frequencies and mean levels in the case study region (n = 241) and the variables used in factor analysis (FA).
Factor | Variable* [unit] | Included in FA | Data type | Response means/frequencies* |
Farmers personal characteristics | ||||
Age (Age) [years] | ✓ | Continuous | 46.49 ± 16.70 | |
Gender (Gen) | ✓ | Categorical (nominal) |
Female (F): 15.77; Male (M):84.23 |
Education (Edu) | ✓ | Categorical (ordinal) |
Illiterate (Ill_Edu): 44.40; Primary (Pri_Edu): 27.39; High School (Hig_Edu): 17.01; Intermediate (Int_Edu): 6.64; Bachelors (Bac_Edu): 3.32; Masters (Mas_Edu): 1.24 |
Satisfaction with farming (Sat_Far) | ✓ | Categorical (ordinal) |
Like farming (Lik_Far): 46.04; Dislike farming (Dis_Far): 53.94 |
Farming experience [years] (Far_exp) | Continuous | 30.93 ± 12.23 | ||
Professionally trained farmer (Tra_Far) | ✓ | Categorical (binomial) |
Yes (Tra_Yes): 18.26; No (Tra_No): 81.74 |
Household characteristics | ||||
Natural asset | Total land holding [ha] (Tot_Land) | ✓ | Continuous | 0.43 ± 0.12 |
Percentage of irrigated land (Per_Irr) | ✓ | Continuous | 26.30 ± 13.47 | |
Percentage of abandoned land (Per_Abn) | ✓ | Continuous | 9.21 ± 2.41 | |
Location of land (Loc_Land) |
Categorical (ordinal) |
Upland (Up_lan): 62.87; Lowland (Low_lan): 37.13 |
Physical asset | Total Livestock Unit (TLU)b | ✓ | Continuous | 5.60 ± 1.07 |
Ploughing means (Plough) | ✓ | Categorical (nominal) |
Ox (Plo_Ox): 57.26 Power teller (Plo_PT): 8.71 None (Plo_No): 34.02 |
Amount of Urea [kg ha−1]c (Urea) |
✓ | Continuous | 19.37 ± 11.78 | |
Amount of DAP [kg ha−1]c (DAP) |
Continuous | 28.30 ± 56.95 | ||
Pesticide usage (Pesti) | Categorical (binomial) |
Yes (Pes_Yes): 44.83; No (Pes_No): 55.17 |
Human asset | Family farm labour (Fam_Lab) | ✓ | Continuous | 3.01 ± 2.00 |
Household size (HH_Size) | ✓ | Continuous | 7.65 ± 4.96 | |
Caste (Cas) | ✓ | Categorical (ordinal) |
General: 40.24; ST: 28.63; OBC: 2.50; SC: 28.63 |
Financial asset | Household economic status of the (HH_Eco) | ✓ | Categorical (ordinal) |
APL: 39.00; BPL: 61.00 |
Months of food sufficiency (Food_Suf) | ✓ | Categorical (ordinal) |
Nil (Nil): 29.46; One (One): 19.10; Three (Three): 32.80; Six (Six): 15.77; Nine (Nine): 2.90 |
Usage of hired labour (Hire_Lab) | ✓ | Categorical (binomial) |
Yes (Hir_Yes): 9.54; No (Hire_No): 90.46 |
Land tenure (Land_Ten) | ✓ | Categorical (ordinal) |
Self-land owners (Self_Land): 83.82 Self-land as well as rented land (Self_Rent_Land): 9.54 Rented land (Rent_Land): 6.64 |
Involvement as daily wage labor (Wage_Lab) | ✓ | Categorical (binomial) |
Yes (Lab_Yes): 34.44; No (Lab_No): 65.56 |
Social asset | Household members enrolled in village communities (Com_Mem) | ✓ | Continuous | 0.73 ± 0.38 |
Perceived social bond (Soc_Bond) | ✓ | Categorical (ordinal) |
Very high (Soc_VH):34.44; High (Soc_H): 23.24; Medium (Soc_M): 17.01; Low (Soc_L): 5.80; Very low (Soc_VL): 19.50 |
Production orientation | ||||
Major crop sown (Crop) | ✓ | Categorical (nominal) |
Only food crops (Food_Cr): 42.74; More food crops and less cash crops (MFLC): 13.69; More cash crops and less food crops (MCLF): 28.63; Only cash crops (Cash_Cr): 9.54; None (No_Cr): 5.39 |
Percentage of income from crop sales (Inc_Crop) | Continuous | 38.05 ± 28.28 | ||
Access to agriculture loan/credit (Credit) | ✓ | Categorical (binomial) |
Yes (Cre_Yes): 30.71; No (Cre_No): 69.29 |
Availability and access to KVK (KVK) | Categorical (binomial) |
Yes (KVK_Yes): 39.09; No (KVK_No): 60.91 |
Availability and access to market (Market) | ✓ | Categorical (binomial) |
Yes (Mar_Yes): 46.89; No (Mar_No): 53.11 |
*Characters in the brackets refer to the coded acronym for each category of a categorical variable.
aPersonal characteristic of the household head was collected as most of the farming decisions are taken by the household head.
bConversion factor: Buffalo-1.5, Bullock-1.2, Cow-1.0, mule/horse-1.0, Cow-calf-0.5, Buffalo calf-0.75, goat-0.2, sheep-0.2 (Singh and Naik, 1987)
cEstimate based on the amount brought by a household in one season which is used for all crops.