Fig. 5.
Label-free Quantitative IP-MS analysis. A legend appears at the bottom: attention is drawn to hits observed previously by I-DIRT, matches to L1RE1 (Uniprot: ORF1p consensus), and candidate non-consensus ORF1p sequences. Gene symbols corresponding to tumor-specific, quantified proteins are displayed on each plot with the following criteria: 1. the protein exhibited statistical significance in the IP (see Methods) with a log2 fold change ≥2 and also exhibited statistical significance in another IP from this study with log2 fold change ≥1; or 2. the protein was previously determined specific by I-DIRT or was highlighted in other literature (discussed in the main text) and exhibited statistical significance. a Tumor A, these IPs (set 1 and 2) differ in several experimental parameters (see Methods); both sets use a mock IP control (mouse IgG). b Tumor B, two distinct controls were used: (LEFT) mIgG IP, (RIGHT) matched normal liver, α-ORF1p IP. c Tumor C, controls as for Tumor B with matched normal colon. These data correspond to the IPs displayed in Additional file 5: Figure S3 and the results are collated in Additional file 6: Table S2