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. 2019 Dec 30;19:535. doi: 10.1186/s12884-019-2687-7

Table 1.

Summary characteristics of included studies

Author/Year Aim Study Design Study Location Participants Time frame Study Period Measure Psychosocial Outcomes Relevant Key Findings MMAT QARa
Adams, 2012 To assess the association between mode of delivery (MoD) and maternal postpartum emotional distress. Prospective Cohort Norway 55, 814 17 & 30 weeks gestation and 6 months postpartum 1998–2008 Short form of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (SCL-8) Emotional Distress MoD was not associated with the presence of emotional distress postpartum. *****
Adewuya, 2006 To estimate the prevalence PTSD after childbirth and to examine associated factors. Cross-sectional Nigeria 876 6 weeks postpartum 2004 MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview, Index of marital satisfaction, Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey, Life events scale, Labour agentry scale PTSD Instrumental delivery and Emergency Caesarean Section (EmCS) were associated with PTSD, while elective caesarean section (ElCS) sections showed no significant effect. *****
Ahluwalia, 2012 To assess the relationship between MoD and breastfeeding. Prospective longitudinal United States 3026 Before birth and 10 times during the year after birth. 2005–2006 Study specific Breastfeeding Median breastfeeding duration was 20.6 weeks for EmCS. Breastfeeding duration among women who initiated breastfeeding show that the prevalence of breastfeeding at any time through 60 weeks after delivery was lowest for those who had induced VD or EmCS than among those in the other two groups (spontaneous VD or planned CS).
Beck, 2008 To explore the impact of birth trauma on mothers’ breast feeding experiences. Qualitative New Zealand, US, Australia, UK, Canada 52 Unspecified Unspecified Study specific Infant feeding Women repeatedly explained that their decision to breastfeed was driven by their need to make amends to the infants for the traumatic way they had arrived into the world, for example, by EmCS. *****
Baas, 2017 To understand the relationship between client-related factors and the experience of midwifery care during childbirth to improve care. Prospective longitudinal Netherlands 2377 20 and 34 weeks pregnant and 6 weeks postpartum 2009–2011 Study specific and Labour Agency Scale Experience of care MoD effected experiences of care. Women who had an unplanned CS were more likely to indicate that they had received “less than good” midwifery care during childbirth. ****
Baston, 2008 To examine what factors relate to women’s appraisal of their birth three years later. Prospective Cohort England and Netherlands 2048 3 years postpartum 2003–2004 Study specific Satisfaction of experience EmCS was a factor contributing to a negative appraisal of birth in England and the Netherlands. ****
Bergant, 1998 To study the subjective psychological and physical stressful experience of childbirth burden. Cross-sectional Austria 1250 5 days postpartum 1993–1994 EPDS, Trait-Anxiety Inventory, Burden of childbirth Burden of childbirth Women who experienced emergency surgical intervention (EmCS and vacuum extraction) demonstrated higher childbirth burden scores. ****
Bryanton, 2008 To determine factors that predict women’s perceptions of the childbirth experience and to examine whether these vary with the type of birth a woman experiences. Prospective cohort Canada 652 12–47 h postpartum 2004–2005 Questionnaire Measuring Attitudes About Labour and Delivery Perceptions of birth Women who had a planned CS birth scored significantly lower on birth perception than those who had an EmCS or a VD. ****
Burcher, 2016 To elicit women’s narratives of their unplanned CS births to identify potentially alterable factors that contribute to CS regret. Qualitative United States 14 2–6 weeks postpartum Unspecified Study specific Regret and dissatisfaction Four key themes emerged from patients’ unplanned CS narratives: poor communication, fear of the operating room, distrust of the medical team, and loss of control. *****
Carquillat, 2016 To compare subjective childbirth experience according to different delivery methods. Cross-sectional Switzerland and France 291 4–6 weeks postpartum 2014–2015 Questionnaire for Assessing Childbirth Experience Childbirth Experience Women who had an EmCS were at highest risk of experiencing childbirth in a negative way. ****
Chen, 2002 To compare women who had a VD with those who had a CS in depression, perceived stress, social support, and self-esteem. Cross-sectional Taiwan 357 6-weeks postpartum 1999 The Beck Depression Inventory, The Perceived Stress Scale, The Interpersonal SupportEvaluation List (ISEL) Short Form, Coopersmith’s Self-Esteem Inventory Depression, perceived stress, social support, self-esteem There was no association found in this study between the type of CS (planned or emergency) and psychosocial measures. *****
Creedy, 2000 To determine the incidence of acute trauma symptoms and PTSD in women as a result of their labour and birth experiences, and to identify factors that contributed to the women’s psychological distress. Prospective Longitudinal Australia 499 4–6 weeks postpartum 1997–1998 Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms interview PTSD The experience of an EmCS was correlated with the development of trauma symptoms. ****
Durick, 2000 To examine if unplanned CS would be related to less optimal outcomes and that this relationship would be mediated by mother’s appraisal of the delivery and would attenuate over time. Longitudinal cohort United States 570 4 and 12 months postpartum Unspecified The Eysenck Personality Inventory Form, The Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, Rosenberg’s (1965) self-esteem scale Mother-infant interactions, Neuroticism, Depression, Self-esteem, appraisal of the birth experience. The psychological experiences associated with delivery by unplanned CS, by planned CS, or VD are distinct, and unplanned CS deliveries are appraised most negatively. ****
Eckerdal, 2017 To explore the association between MoD and postpartum depression. Longitudinal cohort Sweeden 3888 118th gestational week, the 32nd week of pregnancy, at 6 weeks, 6months postpartum 2009–2014 EPDS Postpartum depression A higher prevalence of depressive symptoms at 6 weeks postpartum was noted among women who delivered by EmCS, whereas no significant association with MoD was found regarding PPD at six months postpartum. *****
Enabudoso, 2011 To assess the prevalence of satisfaction, and associated factors, among women who had recently delivered by CS. Cross-sectional Nigeria 211 2–5 days postpartum 2010 Study sepcific Satisfaction Satisfaction with CS was significantly higher among women who had ElCS as compared with EmCS. ***
Fenaroli, 2016 To explore the influence of cognitive and emotional variables on labour and delivery outcomes and examine how individual characteristics, couple adjustment, and medical factors influence the childbirth experience. Longitudinal cohort Italy 121 Between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy and 30–40 days postpartum 2010–2012 Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire, EPDS, Dyadic Adjustment Scale Childbirth expectations, depression There was no relationship found between MoD and perceived emotional experience. ****
Fenwick, 2009 To explore women’s experiences of CS. Qualitative England 21 Between 7 and 32 weeks postpartum 1999–2000 Experiences Feelings of failure were present whether or not the CS was planned or an emergency, and these feelings had an impact on their status passage to motherhood for several reasons. The surgery resulted in the loss of women’s familiar, normal, healthy body. From their perspective, their body had let them down, denying them a normal birth. *****
Forti-Buratti, 2017 To compare the mother-to-infant bond of mothers who gave birth by elective C-section versus EmCS. Prospective cohort Spain 116 48–72 h and 10–12 weeks after delivery Not specified Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale, responses to separation Mother-infant bonding No significant differences between the two CS in bonding, newborn response to separation or type of feeding were observed at any time points. ****
Furuta, 2016 To identify factors associated with birth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms during the early postnatal period. Prospective cohort England 1824 6–8 weeks postpartum 2010 Impact of Event Scale PTSD EmCS was a high risk factor for post-traumatic stress symptoms. *****
Gamble, 2005 To examine the relationship between MoD and symptoms of psychological trauma at 4–6 weeks postpartum Prospective cohort Australia 400 72 h and 4–6 weeks postpartum 2001–2002 Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(MINI-PTSD) PTSD Women who had an EmCS or operative VD were more likely to meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD than women who had an ElCS section or spontaneous VD. ****
Gaillard, 2014 To identify socio-demographic, psychosocial and obstetrical risk factors of postpartum depression. Prospective cohort France 312 32–41 weeks gestation, and6–8 weeks postpartum 2007–2009 EPDS (French version) Depression Women with PND did not differ from the others in MoD (spontaneous vaginal, assisted vaginal, EmCS or ECS). ****
Gibbins, 2001 To explore, describe and understand the expectations during pregnancy and subsequent experiences of childbirth in women. Qualitative England 8 2 weeks post birth Unspecified Study specific Experiences Women expressed positive feelings about their labours, even though all women felt that labour was different to what they had expected. *****
Goker, 2012 To determine the effect of MoD on the risk of postpartum depression. Cross-sectional Turkey 318 6 weeks postpartum Unspecified EPDS Depression Delivering by spontaneous VD, ECS, or EmCS had no effect on EPDS scores. ***
Graham, 1999 To assess the degree and nature of women’s involvement in the decision to deliver by CS section, and women’s satisfaction with this involvement. Qualitative Scotland 166 3–4 days and 6–12 weeks postpartum 1995–1996 Study specific Satisfaction and decision making Women undergoing ElCS section generally received adequate information; however, with EmCS, half of the women had not received enough information during pregnancy. A significant proportion of women experienced negative feelings, particularly with EmCS (30%). ****
Guittier, 2014 To determine important elements associated with first delivery experience according to the MoD. Qualitative Switzerland 24 4–6 weeks postpartum 2012 Study specific Experiences The MoD directly impacted on key delivery experience determinants as perceived control, emotions, and the first moments with the newborn. ****
Handelzalts, 2017 To compare the impacts on childbirth experience of `planned’ delivery (elective CS and vaginal delivery) versus `unplanned’ delivery (vacuum extraction or EmCS). Cross-sectional Israel 469 Up to 72 h postpartum 2014–2015 Subjective Childbirth Experience Questionnaire and Personal Information Questionnaire Experience Unexpected MoD (EmCS) results in a more negative birth experience than a planned MoD. *****
Herishanu-Gilutz, 2009 To examine the significance of the subjective experience of mothers who gave birth by an EmCS. Qualitative Finland 10 4–6 months Unspecified Study specific Experiences Themes were identified related to the traumatic experience of the operation, e.g. sense of loss of control regarding the decision to operate, feeling of fear and anger toward the caretaking staff. *****
Hobbs, 2016 To examine MoD and breastfeeding initiation, duration, and difficulties reported by mothers at 4 months postpartum. Prospective Cohort Canada 3021 34–36 weeks gestation and 12–14 months postpartum 2008 Unspecified Infant feeding Women who delivered by EmCS had a higher proportion of breastfeeding difficulties (41%), and used more resources before (67%) and after (58%) leaving the hospital, when compared to VD (29, 40, and 52%, respectively) or planned CS (33, 49, and 41%, respectively). ****
Iwata, 2015 To identify factors for predicting post-partum depressive symptoms after childbirth in Japanese women. Prospective Cohort Japan 479 1 day before hospital discharge, 1, 2, 4, and 6 months post-partum. 2012–2013 EPDS, The Postnatal Accumulated Fatigue Scale, The Postpartum Maternal Confidence Scale, The Childcare Value Scale Depression Six variables reliably predicted the risk of postpartum depression including EmCS. *****
Jansen, 2007 To investigate fatigue and HRQoL in women after VD, ElCS, and EmCs. Prospective cohort Netherlands 141 12–24 h after VD and 24-48 h after CS and 1,3, weeks postpartum 2003–2004 The Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, EuroQoL 5D, Short-Form 36 HRQoL Patients after VD had higher mean physical HRQoL scores than after CS. The average period to reach full physical recovery was 3 weeks after VD, 6 weeks after elective CS, and 6 weeks after EmCS. *****
Karlström, 2017 To compare self-reported birth outcomes for women undergoing birth through spontaneous onset of labour between those who actually had a vaginal birth and those who eventually had an EmCS. Prospective Longitudinal Sweden 870 Mid pregnancy (18–19 weeks), late pregnancy (32–34 weeks), 2 months and 1 year postpartum/ Unspecified Study specific Birth fear and experience Birth experience were more among women having an EmCS. ****
Karlstrom, 2007 To investigate women’s experience of postoperative pain and pain relief after CS and factors associated with pain assessment and the birth experience. Cross-sectional Sweden 60 2–9 days postpartum 2004 and 2005 The Visual Analog Scale, and study specific Experiences The risk of a negative birth experience was 80% higher for women undergoing an EmCS compared with elective CS. ***
Loto, 2010 To examine the association between the MoD, self-esteem, and parenting self-efficacy both at delivery and at 6 weeks postpartum. Prospective cohort Nigeria 115 Prior to hospital discharge and 6 weeks postpartum 2007–2008 Rosenberg self-esteem scale and parent–child relationship questionnaire Self-esteem Factors that were significantly associated with low self-esteem include being single and having EmCS. ***
Loto, 2009 To assess the level of self-esteem of newly delivered mothers who had CS andevaluate the sociodemographic and obstetrics correlates of low self-esteem in them. Cross-sectional Nigeria 109 2007–2008 Rosenberg self-esteem scale Self-esteem EmCS closely correlated with low self-esteem in women who had CS. ****
Lurie, 2013 To evaluate sexual behaviour longitudinally in the postpartum period by MoD. Prospective cohort Israel 82 6, 12, and 24 weeks postpartum 2010–2011 Female Sexual Function Index Sexual Function Sexual function did not differ significantly by MoD at 6, 12, or 24 weeks postpartum. ****
Maclean, 2000 To examine women’s distress in response to one of four obstetric procedures: spontaneous VD; induced VD; instrumental VD; or, EmCS. Cross-sectional England 40 6 weeks postpartum 1996–1997 Impact of Event Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Experience, wellbeing, distress Women who gave birth assisted by instrumental delivery reported the childbirth event as distinctly more distressing than the women in the other three obstetric groups (VD; induced VD; EmCS). ****
Modarres, 2012 To estimate the prevalence of childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms and its obstetric and perinatal risk factors. Cross-sectional Iran 400 6–8 weeks after birth 2009 Post-traumatic Symptom Scale-Interview PTSD EmCS was a significant contributing factor to PTSD after childbirth. ****
Noyman-Veksler, 2015 To investigate the protective role of sense of coherence (SOC) and perceived social support in the effect of EmCS/ELCS on postnatal psychological symptoms and impairment in mother–infant bonding. Prospective Longitudinal Israel 142 6 and 12 weeks postpartum Unspecified Post-partum bonding questionnaire, Post-traumatic diagnostic scale, Edinburgh post-natal depression questionnaire, Sense of coherence, Social support questionnaire Depression, bonding, PTSD, social support No effect was found of the MoD on bonding with the infant. An EmCS predicted an increase in PTSD symptoms in Time 2, but only among women with low levels of Time-1 social support. ****
O’Reilly, 2014 To establish a greater understanding of the emotional and cognitive mechanisms associated with CS. Cross-sectional France 201 At least 6–8 weeks postpartum 2011–2012 Labour Agentry Scale, Maternal Self Report Inventory, Unconditional Self-AcceptanceQuestionnaire Sense of control during the delivery, maternal self-esteem self-acceptance Sense of control during labour and delivery was significantly higher for women who had a spontaneous VD when compared to those who had undergone an instrumental VD, a planned, or an EmCS. *****
Patel, 2005 To assess the association between elective CS section and PD compared with planned VD and whether EmCS or assisted VD is associated with PD compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery. Prospective cohort UK 10,934 8 weeks postpartum 1991–1992 EPDS Depression No increased risk of PD was found between MoD. *****
Porter, 2007 To explore the factors that women identified as distressing so as to understand their responses to standard questions on satisfaction. Mixed methods Scotland 1661 Up to 22 years postpartum 2002 Study specific Distress Many women had never had an operation before and the fact that their CS was classified as an “emergency” frightened them. ****
Redshaw, 2010 To gain a better understanding of CS by investigating women’s recent experiences and reflections on their care. Qualitative England 2960 3 months postpartum 2006 Study specific Experiences with care Fear and confrontation with the unexpected were themes identified from women who had an EmCS. *****
Rowlands, 2012 To examine the physical and psychological outcomes of women in the first three months after birth, and whether these varied by MoD. Cross-sectional England 5332 3 months postpartum 2010 Study specific PTSD and general psychological outcomes Women having unplanned CS section births were marginally more likely to report PTSD-type symptoms, however, there was no association between PTSD type symptoms and planned CS section births. ****
Ryding, 1998 To describe women’s thoughts and feelings during the process of a delivery that ended in an EmCS, to ascertain if an EmCS might fulfil the stressor criterion PTSD according to DMS IV. Qualitative Sweden 53 2 days after birth Unspecified Study specific PTSD and Experiences 55% of women experienced intense fear for their own life or that of their baby. 8% felt very badly treated by the staff. Almost all women had adequate knowledge of the reasons for the EmCS. *****
Ryding, Wijma 1998 To compare the psychological reactions of women after EmCS, ElC, instrumental VD, and normal VD. Prospective cohort Sweden 326 2 days and 1 month postpartum 1992–1993 Wijma Delivery Expectancy Experience Questionnaire the Impact of Event Self-Rating ScaleI, 35-item version of the Symptoms Check List Experiences and trauma The EmCS group reported the most negative delivery experience at both times, followed by the lVD group. At a few days postpartum the EmCS group experienced more general mental distress than the VD group, but not when compared with the ElCS or the instrumental VD groups. At 1 month postpartum the EmCS group showed more symptoms of post-traumatic stress than the ECS and instrumental VD groups, but not when compared to the VD group. ****
Ryding, 2000 To investigate the possibility to categorize women’s experiences of EmCS based on the patterns displayed in their narration of the event, and to describe typical features of those categories. Qualitative Sweden 25 A few days and 1–2 months postpartum. Unspecified Study specific Experiences The narratives of the 25 women were categorized as follows: Pattern 1 - confidence whatever happens (n 5); Pattern 2 - positive expectations turning into disappointment (n 7); Pattern 3 - fears that come true (n 9); and Pattern 4 - confusion and amnesia (n 4). *
Safarinejad, 2009 To quantify the relationship between MoD and subsequent incidence of sexual dysfunction and impairment of quality of life (QOL) both in women and their husbands. Prospective cohort Iran 912 Every month post deliveryup to 12 months. 2006–2007 Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), Sexual Function, QoL Women with VD and EmCS had statistically significant lower Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) scores as compared with planned CS Section women *****
Saisto, 2001 To examine the extent to which personality characteristics, depression, fear andanxiety about pregnancy and delivery, and socio-economic background, predict disappointment with delivery and the risk of puerperal depression. Prospective Longitudinal Finland 211 Once after the 30thweek of pregnancy, and 2–3 months after delivery Unspecified Beck’s Depression Inventory, the NEO-PI Scale for neuroticism, a partnership satisfaction scale, a Pregnancy Anxiety Scale, a revised version of a fear-of-childbirth questionnaire Disappointment with delivery and satisfaction Strongest predictors of disappointment with delivery were labour pain and EmCS. *****
Sarah, 2017 To investigate the relationship between type of delivery and postpartum depression. Cross-sectional Iran Unspecifed Unspecified 2013 Beck depression inventory Depression The prevalence of postpartum depression is 33.4%, respectively, of which 13.8% related to EmCS, 7.2% of vaginal deliveries, and 8% of elective CS. **
Shorten, 2014 To explore women’s values and expectations during their process of decision making about the next birth. Qualitative Australia 187 36–38 weeks pregnant and 6–8 weeks postpartum Unspecified Study specific Decisions after prior CS Women described long labours ending in CS did not want to go through it again, and especially did not want to repeat the “emergency” scenario. Many described a sense of loss after the previous CS experience and expressed a personal need to remedy this feeling through a better experience in the next birth. “After an emergency CS I felt I had failed, I felt cheated of the childbirth experience I had wanted”. *****
Soderquist, 2002 To study whether or not a more stressful delivery was positively related to traumatic stress after childbirth. Cross-sectional Sweden 1550 Unspecified 1994–1995 Traumatic event scale Traumatic stress Traumatic stress symptoms and having a PTSD symptom profile were both significantly related to the experience of an EmCS or an instrumental VD. ****
Somera, 2010 To explore women’s experience of an EmCS birth to gain a better understanding of their thoughts, and feelings throughout the birth process. Qualitative Canadian 9 1–5 days after birth and 11–27 days after birth Not specified Open-ended questions Experience Seven themes were identified describing the women’s experience: (1) It was for the best, (2) I did not have control, (3) Everything was going to be okay, (4) I was so disappointed, (5) I was so scared, (6) I could not believe it and (7) I was excited. *****
Spaich, 2013 To investigate the extent to which satisfaction with childbirth depends on the MoD, and evaluated factors determining postpartum satisfaction. Prospective cohort Germany 335 Unspecified 2010–2011 Salmon’s Item List Experience There were no women in the subgroup with EmCS who score indicating an overall negative birth experience. The subjective experience of birth was described as ‘good/very good’ in 89% of the women who underwent EmCS. ****
Storksen, 2013 To assess the relation between fear of childbirth and previous birth experiences. Prospective cohort Norway 1657 Weeks 17 and 32 pregnant 2009–2011 Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire Fear EmCS and vacuum extraction were associated with fear of childbirth in subsequent pregnancies. *****
Tham, 2007 To examine the associations between new mother’s sense of coherence (SOC) and obstetric and demographic variables a few days postpartum, and post-traumatic stress symptoms 3 months’ postpartum in relation to women who had undergone an emergency CS section. Prospective cohort Sweden 122 2 days and 3 month postpartum Not specified Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13), Impact of Event Scale (IES-15). PTSD 25% of the women reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress to a moderate degree (indicating a need for follow-up), and 9% had a high degree of symptoms (indicating possible PTSD). ****
Tham, 2010 To describe women with and without symptoms of post-traumatic stress following EmCS, and how they perceived the support received in connection with the birth of their child. Qualitative Sweden 84 6–7 months postpartum Not specified Questions seeking the women’sexperienced social and emotional support from the staffand from their families Experience and support The midwives’ action, the content and organisation of care, the women’s emotions, and the role of the family were main categories that seemed to influence the interviewees’ perceptions of support in connection with childbirth. Women with PTSS further mentioned nervous or non-interested midwives, intense fear and feelings of shame during delivery, lack of postnatal follow-up, long-term postpartumfatigue and inadequate help from husbands as influencing factors. Women without symptoms reported involvement in the EmCS decision and a feeling of relief. ****
Trivino-Juarez, 2017 To conduct a longitudinal study to analyse differences in HRQoL at the sixth week and sixth month postpartum, with mode of birth as the main independent variable. Prospective Longitudinal Spain 547 6 weeks and 6 months postpartum 2013–2014 EPDS, SF-36 HRQoL Women who had vaginal, forceps or vacuum-extraction births at the sixth week postpartum reported better physical functioning than women who had elective or EmCS. At the sixth month postpartum, a significantly higher proportion of women in the forceps group (34%) than in the EmCS group (15%) reported being less satisfied with their sexual relations than before pregnancy. ****
Tully, 2013 To examine women’s experiences of and explanations for undergoing cesarean delivery. Qualitative England 115 Not specified 2006–2009 Study specific Experiences All mothers described labour prior to their unscheduled caesareans as wasted effort. *****
Ukpong, 2006 To investigate postpartum emotional distress including depression women who had a CS by comparing them at 6–8 weeks following childbirth with 47 matched controls who had normal vaginal delivery. Cross-sectional Nigeria 94 6–8 weeks postpartum Unspecified General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30), Beck Depression inventory Depression, general health There was no relationship between the depression scores and being scheduled for either ElCS or EmCS. ****
Vossbeck-Elsebusch, 2014 To replicate earlier findings regarding the prediction of PTSD levels following childbirth by known prenatal, perinatal and postnatal predictors. Prospective cohort Germany 224 1–6 months Unspecified Posttraumatic DiagnosticScale (PDS), University of California, Los Angeles Social SupportInventory (UCLA-SSI-d), Peritraumatic DissociativeExperience Questionnaire (PDEQ), PosttraumaticCognitions Inventory (PTCI), Responsesto Intrusions Questionnaire (RIQ), German version of the PerseverativeThinking Questionnaire (PTQ) PTSD The mean PDS (Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale) score for women who had an EmCS were significantly higher than the PDS score for women who had a normal VD. *****
Wijma, 2002 To examine whether the women’s psychological condition during pregnancy correlates with their psychological well-being after EmCS. Prospective cohort Sweden 1981 Gestation week 32, a few days, and one month Unspecified Wijma Delivery Expectancy/ Experience Questionnaire, Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory, Stress Coping Inventory, Impact of Event Scale, Symptom Checklist Fear Surgical complications including EmCs correlated with postpartum fear of childbirth negatively a few days after the operation, but positively one month later. ****
Wiklund, 2009 To examine changes in personality from late pregnancy to early motherhood in primiparas having vaginal or CS. Prospective cohort Sweden 314 37–39 gestational weeks in pregnancy and 9 months after delivery. 2003–2006 Karolinska Personality Scales Personality Women who had an EmCS scored higher on the subscale measuring Psychasthenia (low degree of mental energy and stress susceptible) 9 months after birth compared to those who had a spontaneous VD. ****
Wiklund, 2007 To examine the expectations and experiences in women undergoing a CS on maternal request and compare these with women undergoing CS with breech presentation as the indication and women who intended to have VD acting as a control group and to study whether assisted delivery and EmCS in the control group affected the birth experience. Prospective cohort Sweden 496 Prior to delivery and 3 months postpartum 2003–2005 Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Experiences Women planning a VD but experiencing an EmCS or an assisted VD had more negative birth experiences than the other groups. ****
Xie, 2011 To examine whether or not CS delivery is associated with increased risk of postpartum depression. Cross-sectional China 534 2 weeks postpartum 2007 Chinese version of the EPDS (EPDS), Social Support Rating Scale, Depression PPD rate was higher in the group who had elective CS delivery than inthe group who had EmCS. ****
Yang, 2011 To examine whether MoD are associated with postnatal depression. Prospective cohort Taiwan 10,535 Unspecified 2003–2006 Data collected from the National Health Insurance Research Database Depression Risk of acquiring PPD was lower in mothers with a normal VD or an instrumental VD compared to mothers with an EmCS. The women who elected to have a CS section was higher risk than an EmCS. ****
Zanardo, 2016 To assess feelings towards newborn infants in mother swho delivered by elective (ElCD) or emergency EmCS. Cross-sectional Italy 573 Not specified 2014–2015 Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale (MIBS) Mother-infant bonding EmCS negatively affected mother bonding and opening emotions, and originated inmother feeling sadness and disappointment for the unplanned delivery. **

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