(A) Larval writhing behavior in responses to 254 nm UVC (5 mW/cm2) irradiation. 10 replicates for each genotype.
(B) Summary of GCaMP6s responses of C4da nociceptors to 10 mM H2O2 in control and TrpA1 isoform alleles carrying ppk-GAL4>UAS-GCaMP6s. n≥7 for each genotype.
(C) Summary of GCaMP6s responses to 100 μM H2O2 in HEK293 cells that expressed different TrpA1 isoforms. n≥7 for each group.
(D) Larval writhing behavior in response to 500 mM AITC. Accumulated response curves are displayed in left panel. Statistical analysis is marked in right bar graph. Writhing behavioral responses were divided into 3 categories, Fast (≤5 seconds), Slow (>5 but ≤20 seconds) and No rolling (>20 seconds) . 30 larvae were tested for each group. Log-rank test, corrected by total comparing group numbers. Columns with different superscript (a, b and c) are significantly different from each other (p<0.05).
(E) Summary of GCaMP6s responses of C4da nociceptors to 100 μM AITC in control and TrpA1 isoform alleles carrying ppk-GAL4>UAS-GCaMP6s. n≥7 for each genotype.
(F) Summary of GCaMP6s responses to 100 μM AITC in HEK293 cells that expressed different TrpA1 isoforms. n≥7 for each group.
Data in A-C and E-F are represented as mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post comparison test. Columns with different superscript (a, b and c) are significantly different from each other (p<0.05).
See also Video S2.