Table 2. PWI reconstruction correctness for different accuracy limits.
Results are shown for five different maximally accepted differences between RRI and PWI (accuracy limits). The column “time” reports the median total duration of all PWI that are correctly associated with RRI (per subject). As in Table 1, it is followed by the fraction of correctly associated PWI and the corresponding Pearson cross correlation r. Values are median [0.25 quantile; 0.75 quantile].
accuracy limit | time | correct PWI | r |
0.05 s | 1.2 [0.4; 2.1] h | 0.73 [0.61; 0.83] | 0.96 [0.93; 0.98] |
0.10 s | 1.3 [0.5; 2.3] h | 0.81 [0.69; 0.89] | 0.94 [0.88; 0.96] |
0.15 s | 1.4 [0.5; 2.4] h | 0.84 [0.74; 0.91] | 0.89 [0.82; 0.94] |
0.20 s | 1.4 [0.5; 2.4] h | 0.88 [0.77; 0.94] | 0.85 [0.77; 0.91] |
0.25 s | 1.4 [0.5; 2.4] h | 0.88 [0.77; 0.94] | 0.83 [0.74; 0.90] |