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. 2019 Dec 31;8:e50503. doi: 10.7554/eLife.50503

Figure 4. Spine density and evoked synaptic activity recorded in LII/LIII pyramidal neurons in both ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox and ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mutants.

(A, C) Representative confocal images showing spines in apical and basal dendritic segments of controls (left) and ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox (A, right) and ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mutants (C, right) at P24-25. (B, D) Quantification of the spine density (number of spines/µm) in apical and basal dendrites in LII/LIII pyramidal neurons for both controls and mutants from the same litters (for ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox apical and basal dendrites: n = 8 for controls and n = 12 for mutants at P23-28, p=0.012 for apical dendrites and p=0.0014 for basal dendrites; for ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ apical dendrites: n = 10 for controls and n = 6 for mutants at P23-P29, p=0.166; basal dendrites: n = 9 for controls and n = 7 for mutants, p=0.652; Mann-Whitney U Test). Scale bar represents 5 μm. (E, G) Pyramidal neurons recorded in voltage-clamp at −70 mV and 0 mV in control at P26 (E, left) and P24 (G, left) and in a ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox mutant at P23 (E, right) and a ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mutant at P28 (G, right) during the extracellular stimulation of LII/III fibers as indicated (E, inset). Stimulation artefacts were blanked for visibility. The stimulation time is indicated (arrowheads). (F, H) Plots of E/I ratio calculated from eEPSCs and eIPSCs in controls and ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox mutants (F) and ΔNp73cre/+; R26Kir2.1/+ mutants (H) (for ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox: n = 10 for controls and n = 14 for mutants, p=0.031, Student T Test; for ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+: n = 8 for controls and n = 7 for mutants, p=0.612; Mann-Whitney U Test). Data used for quantitative analyses as well as the numerical data that are represented in graphs are available in Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1.

Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. Evoked and spontaneous EPSCs and IPSCs of LII/LIII pyramidal neurons in ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox and ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mutants.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

(A, B) Plots of the mean amplitude of eEPSCs (left) and eIPSCs (right) evoked by extracellular stimulation for the same pyramidal neurons of Figure 4 held at −70 mV and 0 mV, respectively, in controls and ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox (A) and ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ (B) mutants. Note the significant increase in the mean amplitude of eEPSCs for ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox (p=0.042) but not for ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mutants (p=0.902). eIPSCs remained unchanged. (C) sEPSCs recorded in pyramidal neurons held at −70 mV in a control at P26 (black) and a ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox mutant at P23 (green). (D, E) Plots of the mean frequencies of sEPSCs in ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox (D) and ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ (E) mutants at P23-26 and P23-28, respectively. Note the significant increase in the mean frequency of sEPSCs for ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox but not for ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mutants (n = 9 for controls and n = 11 for ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/loxp=0.038, Student T test; n = 7 for controls and n = 8 for ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mice p=0.942, Mann-Whitney U test). For the same cells, mean sEPSC amplitudes: −17.5 ± 2.2 pA for controls vs −19.2 ± 1.4 pA for ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox mice (p=0.501; Student T test) and −12.20 ± 0.81 pA for controls vs –14.30 ± 1.95 pA for ΔNp73cre/+;R26Kir2.1/+ mice (p=0.9551; Mann-Whitney U test). (F) Current-clamp recording of a ChR2-expressing rescued CR upon light stimulation in a ΔNp73cre/+;Baxlox/lox;ChR2lox/+ mouse (see diagram). Note that photoactivation (blue pulses, 1 ms) evoked action potentials in response to every light pulse of a 5 Hz-light train of 10 s (bottom left). Similar results were obtained with a 5 Hz-light train of 30 s (n = 7) and in the presence of ionotropic receptor antagonists 10 µM NBQX, 50 µM AP5 and 10 µM SR95351 (n = 2). Average percentage of success to elicit action potentials with light trains of 10 s delivered from 2 to 20 Hz (right). Note the decreased number of action potentials triggered by photoactivation from 10 Hz (n = 7; Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a Bonferroni multiple comparison). (G) Simultaneous Layer II/III extracellular recording and whole-cell recording of a Layer I interneuron localized nearby a ChR2-expressing rescued CR (see diagram, top left). The firing of the interneuron in response to 800 ms depolarizing and hyperpolarizing steps is shown (inset, top right). A 5 Hz-light train of 10 s did not induce Layer II/III LFPs or postsynaptic currents in the recorded interneuron held at −70 mV (bottom left). Similarly, no responses were observed during extracellular recordings of Layer I (n = 3), Layer II/III (n = 5) and Layer V (n = 3) or during whole-cell recordings of Layer I interneuron (n = 3) in normal conditions or in the presence of 0 mM Mg2+, 3 mM Ca2+ and 4AP (n = 3). Data used for quantitative analyses as well as the numerical data that are represented in graphs are available in Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1.
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1. Spine densities, evoked and spontaneous PSCs in LII/III pyramidal neurons in both Bax and Kir2.1 models.