A, B) Plots of the mean amplitude of eEPSCs (left) and eIPSCs (right) evoked by extracellular stimulation for the same pyramidal neurons of
Figure 4 held at −70 mV and 0 mV, respectively, in controls and ΔNp73
lox/lox (
A) and ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ (
B) mutants. Note the significant increase in the mean amplitude of eEPSCs for ΔNp73
lox/lox (p=0.042) but not for ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ mutants (p=0.902). eIPSCs remained unchanged. (
C) sEPSCs recorded in pyramidal neurons held at −70 mV in a control at P26 (black) and a ΔNp73
lox/lox mutant at P23 (green). (
D, E) Plots of the mean frequencies of sEPSCs in ΔNp73
lox/lox (
D) and ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ (
E) mutants at P23-26 and P23-28, respectively. Note the significant increase in the mean frequency of sEPSCs for ΔNp73
lox/lox but not for ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ mutants (n = 9 for controls and n = 11 for ΔNp73
lox/loxp=0.038, Student T test; n = 7 for controls and n = 8 for ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ mice p=0.942, Mann-Whitney U test). For the same cells, mean sEPSC amplitudes: −17.5 ± 2.2 pA for controls
vs −19.2 ± 1.4 pA for ΔNp73
lox/lox mice (p=0.501; Student T test) and −12.20 ± 0.81 pA for controls
vs –14.30 ± 1.95 pA for ΔNp73
Kir2.1/+ mice (p=0.9551; Mann-Whitney U test). (
F) Current-clamp recording of a ChR2-expressing rescued CR upon light stimulation in a ΔNp73
lox/+ mouse (see diagram). Note that photoactivation (blue pulses, 1 ms) evoked action potentials in response to every light pulse of a 5 Hz-light train of 10 s (bottom left). Similar results were obtained with a 5 Hz-light train of 30 s (n = 7) and in the presence of ionotropic receptor antagonists 10 µM NBQX, 50 µM AP5 and 10 µM SR95351 (n = 2). Average percentage of success to elicit action potentials with light trains of 10 s delivered from 2 to 20 Hz (right). Note the decreased number of action potentials triggered by photoactivation from 10 Hz (n = 7; Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a Bonferroni multiple comparison). (
G) Simultaneous Layer II/III extracellular recording and whole-cell recording of a Layer I interneuron localized nearby a ChR2-expressing rescued CR (see diagram, top left). The firing of the interneuron in response to 800 ms depolarizing and hyperpolarizing steps is shown (inset, top right). A 5 Hz-light train of 10 s did not induce Layer II/III LFPs or postsynaptic currents in the recorded interneuron held at −70 mV (bottom left). Similarly, no responses were observed during extracellular recordings of Layer I (n = 3), Layer II/III (n = 5) and Layer V (n = 3) or during whole-cell recordings of Layer I interneuron (n = 3) in normal conditions or in the presence of 0 mM Mg
2+, 3 mM Ca
2+ and 4AP (n = 3). Data used for quantitative analyses as well as the numerical data that are represented in graphs are available in
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1.