A) Fluorescent antibody labeled mitochondria (magenta) and lysosomes (yellow) within two layer V pyramidal neurons of the mouse somatosensory cortex visualized by expansion lattice light sheet microscopy. Scale bars: 5μm (inset 10μm). B) Mitochondrial cristae structure within live HeLa cells expressing a Cox8a-SNAP fusion protein and labeled with SNAP-Cell SiR dye as imaged by a stimulated emission depletion super-resolution microscope. Scale bar: 1μm. C) 3D rendering of contacts between mouse skeletal muscle mitochondria (cyan), sarcoplasmic reticulum (magenta), and t-tubules (orange) visualized with focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy and machine learning organelle segmentation. Scale bar: 1μm. D) Dynamic interactions between genetically-encoded mitochondria (mEmerald-Tomm20, green), lysosomes (HaloTag-Lamp1, magenta), and microtubules (mCherry-ensconsin, yellow) in COS-7 cells visualized on a grazing incidence structured illumination microscope. Scale bar: 1μm. Reproduced with permission from [23], [36], [2], [40], respectively.