Figure 4.
HITOPK032 treatment inhibits tumorigenic properties and recapitulates effects of PBK silencing in ACC. A-C. Cell lines show a dose dependent response to HITOPK032 treatment at 600–1uM range (**P<0.01) by day 8. Graphs shown are representative experiments of 3 biological repeats; data presented as mean +/−SEM.D-F. Dose dependent decrease in colony formation to doses of 50 to 300nM of HITOPK032. G. HITOPK032 decreases Akt and H3 phosphorylation as shown via immunobloting. P values (**p<0.01, *p<0.05) have been calculated using normalized densitometric values derived from immunoblots of at least 3 biological repeats. All normalization has been done to the DMSO control. Data represented as mean +/− SEM.