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. 2017 Dec 11;10(4):269–276. doi: 10.1016/j.jaim.2017.04.001

Table 1.

Patient profile: Expressed in Mean, standard deviations (S.D.) and percentage.

S. No Clinical Profile Group A
Group B
Total p value
No. % No. %
1 Age (yrs) 38.94 ± 11.74 42.57 ± 12.63 40.78±12.24 0.221
2 Sex Male 8 23.5% 9 26.4% 17 (25%) 0.779
Female 26 76.4% 25 73.5% 51 (75%)
3 Socio Economic Status Poor 0 0% 4 11.7% 4 (5.8%) 0.055
Middle class 30 88.2% 29 85.2% 59 (86.7%)
Higher Middle class 4 11.7% 1 2.9% 5 (7.3%)
4 Food Vegetarian 24 68.5% 30 88.2% 54 (79.4%) 0.072
Mixed 10 29.4% 4 11.7% 14 (20.5%)
5 Educational Status Illiterate 10 29.4% 15 44.1% 25 (%) 0.775
Primary 1 2.9 % 1 2.9% 2 (2.9%)
Secondary 9 26.4% 8 23.5% 17 (25%)
Graduate 13 38.2% 9 26.4% 22 (32.3%)
Post Graduate 1 2.9% 1 2.9% 2 (2.9%)
6 Prakurti (Body constitution) Vata 8 23.52% 8 23.52% 16(23.5%) 0.926
Pitta 6 17.64% 9 26.4% 15(22.%)
Kapha 2 5.88% 2 5.88% 4(5.8%)
Vata pitta 1 2.94% 1 2.94% 2(2.9%)
Vata kapha 17 0.5% 14 41.1% 31(45.5%)
7 Sleep disturbance Yes 27 79.4% 23 67.6% 50(73.5%) 0.272
No 7 20.5% 11 32.3%
8 Duration of illness (In Days) 38.94 ± 11.74 42.57 ± 12.63 40.74 ± 12.28 0.221
9 Weight 59.99 ±8.65 61.28±10.65 0.583
10 BMI 22.52 ±2.86 22.68±3.47 0.867
11 Drop outs 0 0% 0 0% 0%
12 Study completed 34 100% 34 100% 68 (100%)
13 Total 34 34 68