Table 2.
Pretest | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
1. INQ-TB | -- | |||||||||||||
2. INQ-PB | .64** | -- | ||||||||||||
3. IOS-ES | −.32** | −.21* | -- | |||||||||||
4. OXT | .02 | −.10 | .02 | -- | ||||||||||
5. OXT EX | −.04 | −.05 | −.01 | −.05 | -- | |||||||||
6. PANASP | −.47** | −.23* | .37** | −.02 | .13 | -- | ||||||||
7. PANASN | .48** | .50** | −.16 | .14 | −.11 | −.04 | -- | |||||||
Posttest | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
8. INQ-TB | .88** | .63** | −.42** | .07 | −.02 | −.50** | .46** | -- | ||||||
9. INQ-PB | .67** | .92** | −.17 | −.10 | .01 | −.27** | .56** | .68** | -- | |||||
10. IOS-ES | −.41** | −.34** | .87** | .01 | .04 | .46** | −.21* | −.54** | −.35** | -- | ||||
11. OXT | .01 | −.09 | .06 | .87** | .11 | .05 | .16 | .03 | −.09 | .02 | -- | |||
12. OXT EX | −.02 | −.02 | .05 | .09 | .61** | .06 | −.13 | −.03 | −.04 | .14 | .10 | -- | ||
13. PANASP | −.43** | −.25* | .29** | .02 | .14 | .88** | −.10 | −.49** | −.30** | .39** | .07 | .08 | -- | |
14. PANASN | .53** | .49** | −.13 | .10 | −.12 | −.06 | .91** | .51** | .56** | −.20* | .09 | −.07 | −.10 | -- |
N | 100 | 100 | 100 | 89 | 90 | 100 | 100 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 89 | 90 | 99 | 99 |
Mean | 21.9 | 9 | 19.6 | 1834.2 | 51.7 | 27.6 | 15.6 | 22.4 | 9.1 | 20.3 | 1769.0 | 52.7 | 24.3 | 15.6 |
SD | 11.6 | 5.1 | 5.4 | 1135.5 | 38.6 | 10.3 | 7.5 | 12.0 | 5.6 | 6.0 | 1182.11 | 42.3 | 11.0 | 7.3 |
Range | 9–54 | 6–35 | 6–30 | 292–5810 | 2.0–245.8 | 10–48 | 10–40 | 9–55 | 6–34 | 6–39 | 301–5575 | 6.6–261.6 | 10–47 | 10–42 |
Skew | .91 | 2.39 | −.14 | 2.09 | 2.51 | .16 | 2.05 | .98 | 2.28 | −.30 | 2.35 | 2.69 | .38 | 1.93 |
p < .05
p < .01.
N = 90–100 due to missing data. INQ-TB = Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire-15, Thwarted Belongingness; INQ-PB = Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire-15, Perceived Burdensomeness; IOS-ES = Interpersonal Orientation Scale, Desire for Emotional Support subscale; OXT = oxytocin concentrations in pg/ml, diluted 1:4, unextracted samples; OXT EX = oxytocin concentrations in pg/ml, undiluted, extracted samples; Sex (1 = female, 2 = male); PANASP = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – Positive Affect subscale; PANASN = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – Negative Affect subscale.