5‐HT is taken up by pancreatic explants prepared from E13.5 mice. Data were expressed as means ± SEM. Experiments were performed in duplicate. Scale bar = 20 μm.
Likewise, INS‐1E cells treated for 45 min with 5‐HT (5 μM) accumulate this monoamine as measured by HPLC (means ± SEM; data are from duplicate experiments).
(left) Experimental outline to test amphetamine‐induced protein serotonylation in vitro. (middle) Full‐length Western blots showing total protein load upon Cy5‐labeling and 5‐HT‐containing proteins. Arrow points to the protein band used for quantitative analysis (right). Note that amphetamine (10 μM) when combined with 5‐HT (1 μM) eliminated the effect of the latter alone. Experiment was performed with quadruplicate biological samples. Data were expressed as means ± SEM.
Schema with methamphetamine (10 mg/kg), amphetamine (10 mg/kg), or cocaine (20 mg/kg) injected between E14.5 and 16.5. (D1) Representative images of neonatal tissues triple‐labeled for insulin, glucagon, and 5‐HT. Hoechst 33342 was used as a nuclear counterstain (pseudo‐colored in gray). Scale bars = 15 μm and 6 μm (inserts). (D2) Prenatal exposure to psychostimulants does not affect either α or β cell numbers in the P0 mouse pancreas. Quantitative data from n ≥ 3 mice/group (from n = 3 pregnancies) were expressed as means ± SD.
E, F
In utero psychostimulant exposure significantly decreased 5‐HT immunoreactivity (E). (F) Likewise, insulin immunoreactivity was reduced. Quantitative data from n ≥ 3 mice/group (from n = 3 pregnancies) were expressed as means ± SD.
Positive correlation between insulin and 5‐HT immunosignals per β cell in control and after prenatal drug exposure. Pearson correlation was defined on data from n ≥ 60 cells/drug.
Data information: Data were analyzed by pair‐wise comparisons after one‐way ANOVA. ***
< 0.05.