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. 2019 Dec 18;21(12):e15924. doi: 10.2196/15924

Table 1.

Demographic data were collected from the caregiver participants.

Demographic traits Valuesa
Individuals interviewed (number of families represented) 18 (14)
Relationship to child with OIb (N=18 caregivers), n

Mother 11

Father 5

Other: legal guardian 2 (same family)
Language of interview (N=18 caregivers), n

English 12

French 6
Caregivers' median age in years (age range) 37.5 (24-57)
Caregiver’s sex (N=18 caregivers), n

Female 13

Male 5
Residential region (N=14 families), n

Local (<2 hours’ drive from Montreal) 7

Within Quebec, not local 1

Other Canadian region 3

International 3
Highest level of education (N=18 caregivers), n

Some postsecondary (university or college) 5

Received university or college diploma 11

Postgraduate 2
Marital status (N=18 caregivers), n

Married or common law 14

Single (never married) 2

Separated or divorced 2
Estimated family income (N=14 families), n (Can $)

<$25,000 3

$25,000-$50,000 1

$50,000-$80,000 1

>$80,000 7

Do not know 1

Prefer not to answer 1
Child’s OI type (N=14 families), n

I 3


IV 6

VI 1
Ages of children with OI (17 children with OI), n

Baby (0-12 months) 2

Toddler (13 months-3 years) 1

Preschool (4-5 years) 1

School aged (6-12 years) 11

Teenager (13-18 years) 2
Family history of OI (N=14 families), n

Yes 3

No 11
Internet access at home (N=14 families), n

Yes 14

No 0
Comfort using the Internet (N=18 caregivers), n

Very comfortable 14

Somewhat comfortable 3

Neutral 1

Somewhat uncomfortable 0

Uncomfortable 0
General thoughts on using the internet for OI care (N=18 caregivers), n

Positive 14

Neutral 2

Negative 2

aValues represent the number of individuals, unless otherwise indicated.

bOI: osteogenesis imperfecta.