Measure | Age Rangea | Task Description |
EC HOME | 3–6 years | Form containing 55 items that are grouped into 8 subscales: 1) learning materials, 2) language stimulation, 3) physical environment, 4) parental responsivity, 5) learning stimulation, 6) modeling of social maturity, 7) variety in experience, 8) acceptance of child. During a visit to the child’s home, a rater (e.g., clinician, research assistant) places a plus (+) or minus (−) in a box alongside each item if the behaviour is observed during the visit or if a parent reports that the conditions or events are characteristic of the home environment. |
EA HOME | 10–15 years | Form containing 60 items that are grouped into 7 subscales: 1) physical environment, 2) learning materials, 3) modeling, 4) instructional activities, 5) regulatory activities 6) variety of experience, 7) acceptance and responsivity. During a visit to the child’s home, a rater (e.g., clinician, research assistant) places a plus (+) or minus (−) in a box alongside each item if the behaviour is observed during the visit or if a parent reports that the conditions or events are characteristic of the home environment. |
BSI | 13+ years | Self-report questionnaire containing 53 items that ask individuals to rate how much they have been bothered by various symptoms within the past week (0 = not at all, 4 = extremely). |
SCL-90-R | 13+ years | Self-report questionnaire containing 90 items that ask individuals to rate how much they have been bothered by various symptoms within the past week (0 = not at all, 4 = extremely). |
FAD-GF | 12+ years | Self-report questionnaire containing 12 statements about families, on which individuals rate the extent to which they agree or disagree (on a 4 point scale). |
ToL-Dx | 7–15 years | Red, green, and blue beads are arranged on a pegboard to match a diagram. Participants are asked to replicate the configuration on a second pegboard. Scores are calculated for total correct, total moves, total initiation time, total execution time, total time, total time violations, and total rule violations. |
ANT | 6–85 years | Computerized test wherein an arrow appears above or below a fixation point and participants are asked to determine whether an arrow points left or right. Scores reflect how response times are influenced by flankers and are calculated as the median reaction time on congruent trials subtracted from the median reaction time on incongruent trials. |
6–15 years | A paper and pencil task wherein the participant is asked to draw one step along a pathway after each tone they hear on a tape. When a tone ends, the child is signalled to stop. The task measures whether the child is able to stop drawing the path when signalled to stop. |
6–15 years | The participant listens to a stream of digits presented at a rate of one every 2 seconds and is asked to identify the digit that occurred immediately prior to a particular sequence (e.g., 5–5). |
6–15 years | The participant is asked to count aliens, repeatedly switching between counting forwards and backwards depending on the direction of an arrow. Accuracy and completion time are recorded. |
IGT | 8–79 years | Computerized task wherein participants are presented with 4 virtual decks of cards and asked to choose a card from one of the decks with the goal of wining as much “money” as possible. “Bad” decks lead to higher initial rewards but higher potential losses, thus lower overall value. “Good” decks lead to lower initial rewards but lower possible losses, thus higher overall value. Participants are expected to learn the nature of the decks through trial and error. |
HOME = Home Observation for Measures of the Environment (EC = Early Childhood, EA = Early Adolescent); FAD-GF = Family Assessment Device - General Functioning subscale; BSI = Brief Symptom Inventory; SCL-90-R = Symptom Checklist-Revised; ToL-Dx = Tower of London-Drexel; ANT = Attention Network Test; TEA-Ch = Test of Everyday Attention for Children (W/DW = Walk/Don’t Walk; CT = Code Transmission; CC = Creature Counting); IGT = Iowa Gambling Task
Some participants were outside the age range for specific measures (i.e., up to 1 year). However, to limit attrition and maintain consistency, the authors decided to administer the same measures.