Table 3 |.
Study design | Study setting | Screening | intervention | Decolonization | Study outcomes | impact on study outcomes | Refs |
Retrospective cohort single centre, n = 6,864 | Cardiac surgery ICU (United States) |
USC, TD | MU, CH, OTa | MRSA SSI | Reduced colonization | 109 |
Cluster-randomized trial multicentre, n = 74,256b | ICU (United States) |
USC, TI, UD, TD | MU, CH | ICU-attributable MRSA BSI | No effect | 111 |
Cluster-randomized crossover trial multicentre, n = 7,735 | ICU and bone marrow transplant unit (United States) | – | UD | CH | Hospital-acquired MRSA BSI | No effect | 112 |
Quasi-experimental pre and post multicentre, n = not available | Veteran Affairs acute healthcare facilities (United States) |
USC, TI | OTd | Health-care-associated MRSA infections | Reduced colonization | 106 |
Quasi-experimental pre and post multicentre, n = 5,043 | ICU (United States) |
– | UD | CH | MRSA BSI | No effect | 190 |
Retrospective cohort multicentre, n = 933 | Hospital (United States) |
USC, TD | MU, CH | MRSA infection | No effect | 107 |
Prospective interventional cohort single centre, n = 21,754 | Surgery (United States) |
USC, TI, TD | MU, CH, OTa,e | Health-care-associated MRSA infection and MRSA SSI | No effect | 108 |
Observational cohort study multicentre, n = 153,340 | Hospital (United States) |
USC, TI, TD | MU, CH | Health-care-associated MRSA infection and MRSA BSI | Reduced colonization | 191 |
Observational cohort study single centre, n = 1,462 | Cardiac surgery (United Kingdom) |
USC, TD | MU, OTa,f | MRSA SSI | Reduced colonization | 110 |
–, not tested or studied; BSI, bloodstream infection; CH, chlorhexidine; ICU, intensive care unit; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MU, mupirocin; OT, other; SSI, surgical-site infection; TD, targeted decolonization; TI, targeted isolation; UD, universal decolonization; USC, universal screening.
Adjustment in perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis.
Three-group study: group 1 (USC and TI); group 2 (USC, TI and TD); group 3 (UD).
Bilateral nares screening on admission for groups 1 and 2 only.
Hand hygiene and change in institutional culture.
Computerized MRSA alert system.
Topical triclosan for 5 days.