Fig. 4.
Window size over which protein stickiness best correlates with protein abundance. (a) The window-averaged, local stickiness (ωk) is calculated for windows of increasing size (k), represented here as funnels, sliding over the sequence of each protein. The local stickiness corresponds to the average of amino acid scores within a window of k residues (see Methods for details). For each window size, the maximum local average stickiness Ωk is correlated against protein abundance. Scatterplots for selected values of k (3, 11, 101, 1001) are shown along with the corresponding Spearman rank correlation coefficient (ρk). (b) The Spearman rank correlation coefficient (ρk) is reported against increasing window sizes (k) considering residues within disordered regions of yeast proteins among the standard, medium, and high disorder-content data sets.