Figure 4.
Identification of “DJ-like” sequences in the chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes. (A) A schematic representation of the chimpanzee “DJ-like” contig, illustrating sequence composition and positions of BAC clones and cloned PCR products used in its construction. The percentage identity, 100-kb blocks, with human DJ contig from WAV17 (HSA21) is shown below. (B) DAPI (blue)-stained metaphase spreads prepared from B-cells of two individual chimpanzees, Vanessa (female) and Zeef (male), probed with a mixture of “DJ-like” BAC clones CH251-114B1 and CH251-351B7 (green) and a human rDNA probe (red). Insets show enlarged acrocentric chromosomes. (C) Individual acrocentric chromosomes from Vanessa (female) and Zeef (male) metaphase spreads probed with “DJ-like” chimpanzee BAC clones (red), human PJ BAC clone bP-2154M18 (CR381535) (green), and rDNA (far red, pseudocolored here in blue). Chromosomes were DAPI-stained (pseudocolored in gray). Full metaphase spreads are presented in Supplemental Figure S11B. (D) A schematic illustrating the inverted orientation of rDNA and “DJ-like” sequences in chimpanzees.