Table 1. Summary of ultrasound tissue characterization with the homodyned-K distribution.
Ref. | Year | Method | Study | # | T | TCF (MHz) | PERS | PI |
(25) | 2015 | XU | Cell pellet biophantoms | 7 | SET | 25, 35 | 0.75×1.5 mm (A × L) | No |
(26) | 2017 | RSK | Tissue phantom heated by focused ultrasound | – | LAT | 10 | 3×3 PLs (2 × 2 mm) (A × L) | No |
(27) | 2002 | FTM | Reperfused infarcted porcine myocardium in vivo | 8 | PAIT | 8.5 | 32×32 pixels (A × L) | Yes |
(28) | 2007 | FTM | Mice breast cancer in vivo | 20 | SET | 20 | – | Yes |
(29) | 2015 | XU | Human breast lesions in vivo | 96 | LAT | 7.1 | Tumor zone, 3-mm supratumoral zone, 5-mm infratumoral zone | No |
(30) | 2016 | RSK | Human breast lesions in vivo | 103 | LAT | 6 | 3×3 PLs (2×2 mm) (A × L) | Yes |
(31) | 2018 | RSK | Response of advanced human breast cancer to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in vivo | 22 | LAT | 5–14 | 3×3 PLs (2×2 mm) (A × L) | No |
(32) | 2011 | RSK | Cancerous human lymph nodes ex vivo | 112 | SET | 25.6 | 1×1 mm (A × D) | Yes |
(33) | 2016 | XU | Porcine red blood cell aggregation ex vivo | 5 | SET | 25 | 0.16×0.32 mm (A × L) | Yes |
(34) | 2019 | XU | Human carotid artery plaque in vivo | 66 | LAT | 7.2 | 2×2 mm (A × L) | Yes |
(35) | 2018 | XU | Human skin ulcer ex vivo | 2 | SET | 15 | 0.66×1.2 mm (A × L) | Yes |
(36) | 2019 | XU | Lateral epicondylosis of human elbows in vivo | 54 | LAT | 12 | – | Yes |
(37) | 2019 | XU | Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis of rats in vivo | 60 | LAT | 5 | 3×3 mm (A × L) | Yes |
(38) | 2012 | RSK | Hepatic steatosis of rabbit livers ex vivo | 14 | SET | 20 | 30λ × 30λ | No |
(20) | 2018 | FTM | Hepatic steatosis of rat livers in vivo | 36 | LAT | 7 | 1–10×1–10 PLs (A × L), PL =~0.7 mm | Yes |
Ours | 2019 | XU | Hepatic steatosis of human livers in vivo | 276 | CAT | 3 | 1–9×1–9 PLs (A × L), PL =~2.3 mm | Yes |
#, number of cases; T, transducer for ultrasound radiofrequency data collection; TCF, transducer center frequency; PERS, homodyned-K parameter estimation region size; A × L, axial × lateral (rectangular window); A × D, axial × diameter (cylindrical region); PI, homodyned-K parametric imaging; SET, single-element transducer; LAT, linear-array transducer; PAIT, phased-array intracardiac transducer; CAT, curved-array transducer; PL, pulse length of the transducer; FTM, estimator based on the first three integer moments of the intensity; λ, wavelength at the transducer central frequency.